G-2 Intelligence

Military Intelligence Creed

I am a soldier first, but an intelligence professional second to none.
With pride in my heritage, but focused on the future,
Performing the first task of an Army;
To find, know, and never lose the enemy.
With a sense of urgency and tenacity, professional and physical fitness,
and above all: INTEGRITY, for in truth lies victory.
Always at a silent war, while ready for the shooting war;
The silent member of the Army Team.


U.S. Army G2 in Europe trains and leads by:

  • Providing all source intelligence support to Land Forces in the USAREUR Theater
  • Providing guidance on plans, policies, procedures, and organizations for collecting, producing, and disseminating intelligence, and on conducting counterintelligence activities
  • Exercising operational control over intelligence units assigned or attached to Headquarters, USAREUR
  • Providing guidance and oversight of liaison carried out between USAREUR and other US and non-US intelligence and security agencies
  • Promoting regional stability by building relationships and capacity amongst our partner Nations


  • Intelligence Support to Operations
  • Security Cooperation
  • Training/Exercises
  • Support to CONPLANS
  • USAREUR Transformation and Relocation

Task Organization Chart


Col. David Pendall
Deputy Chief of Staff
G-2 (Intelligence)


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