Foreclosure: Identifying Scams and Finding Help

Foreclosure paperwork in a file folder with house keys on top

The idea of losing your home to foreclosure can cause a lot of stress in your life. If you're having a hard time making your mortgage payments or are facing foreclosure, you have rights. More important, there may be options to help you save your home. Prepare yourself to handle a foreclosure by understanding:

  • How to recognize a foreclosure rescue scam
  • Steps to take when facing foreclosure
  • Ways to negotiate with your lender
  • Ways to report fraud and abuse

Foreclosure scams are real, and they can make a bad situation even worse. Although many companies make great claims, know the warning signs of a scam, and be sure to do your research to find a reputable company to help you. Service members are often targeted by scammers because they know that military families move a lot, and buying homes instead of renting can be more cost effective. Just remember: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.



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