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NCR MD Personnel Branch
The NCR MD Personnel Branch serves the Director of the NCR MD  in the execution of his/her responsibilities to the Director, Defense Health Agency (DHA) in the development and implementation of civilian personnel policies and procedures for DoD civilians assigned. The NCR MD Personnel Branch provides direction by publishing and monitoring compliance with issuances (policies, administrative instructions and manuals) to optimize an effective and efficient Integrated Delivery System....Click for More

Civilian Human Resources Center
The Civilian Human Resources Center, or CHRC, provides exclusive service to the medicine National Capital Region Medical Directorate (NCR MD) and the Department of Defense civilians who deliver and support medical care in the National Capital region. With an on-site presence at both the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and the Fort Belvoir Community Hospital, the CHRC staff is available for daily assistance and advice for all your civilian human resources needs, including: filling jobs, pay, labor and employee relations, human resources related training, performance management, workers' compensation, strategic workforce planning, retirement and benefits counseling.....Click for More


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