Get Ready for a Deployment Reunion

Boy holding a sign that says “Welcome home troops”

You're on the last leg of your deployment — just a few days left before you're finally home. While the upcoming family reunion is an exciting time, there are a few things you may want to remember:

  • Understand that some people have mixed feelings when they come home from a deployment — even if they don't talk about it.
  • Be patient with your partner, children and yourself. Getting back into the swing of things takes time.
  • Lean on your network of support. It is here for you.

With good communication and some patience, you can prepare yourself, your partner, your children, and everyone in your life for your return. Head to Military OneSource for free, confidential non-medical counseling if you need a little extra support during this transition.

As you prepare for your deployment's end, imagine how you'd like your return home to look. Just keep in mind that reunions don't always turn out exactly the way you envisioned. Preparing children and other family members ahead of time often helps everyone set reasonable expectations.

Take some time to think about how to approach the reunion with each member of your family.

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