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Talk To A Therapist

Talk To A Therapist

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Talk To A Therapist

Talk To A Therapist

Talk Therapy

Talk therapy is an effective treatment for depression and stress disorders. It helps a person realistically look at what is causing bad, unpleasant feelings, and it helps develop appropriate coping strategies for dealing with negative feelings.

Some people avoid getting treatment because they are intimidated or worried about talking to a psychologist, psychiatrist or other therapist. These are misplaced concerns. A therapist's main goal is to help a person understand and solve problems.

When visiting a therapist for the first time, he or she will ask you:

  • Why are you here?
  • How are you feeling?
  • What are your symptoms and how long have you had them?
  • What do you think is wrong and why?

Be honest in answering the therapist's questions. Don't filter or self-edit what you have to say.

Don't worry about shocking a therapist. He or she will not pass judgment on you. Therapists primarily are interested in your symptoms and how you are functioning in your relationships, at work, at school or in any other environment.

A Final Note

Therapy only works if you trust your therapist. Honesty and open communication are the keys to establishing trust.

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