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Protect Humans in Research

NOTE : As of 4/25/16, the Electronic Institutional Review Board (EIRB) system is live.  At this time, all documentation (new studies, amendments, continuing reviews, etc.) should be submitted through the EIRB.  >>Learn More

The Department of Defense (DoD), Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (OASD[HA]) and the Defense Health Agency (DHA) support and encourage research, including human subject research. All research protocols that include human subjects must be compliant with Federal laws, Federal Regulations and DoD policies intended to protect the volunteer subjects who participate in the studies.

This page describes the implementation of the Human Research Protection Program within OASD(HA) and DHA.

The overarching Regulation governing the Protection of Human Subjects in federally-funded research is referred to as the “Common Rule,” because most Federal Departments and Agencies that support human subject research, including the DoD, have adopted this regulatory framework.  The DoD adopted the Common Rule through Part 219 of Title 32 of the Code of Federal Regulation (32 CFR 219).  Within the DoD, that Regulation is implemented by DoD Instruction (DoDI) 3216.02 (“Protection of Human Subjects and Adherence to Ethical Standards in DoD-Supported Research”).

The foundation of HRPP compliance review is the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Neither OASD(HA) nor DHA Headquarters (HQ) has an IRB.  Non-exempt studies that originate within OASD(HA) or DHA (excluding the National Capital Region Medical Directorate institutions) are, by agreement, reviewed by the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command IRB at Fort Detrick. 

Our office provides the following review services when OASD(HA), DHA, or other component activities will require access to DHA data:

  • Human Subject Research Determination
  • Exempt Determination
  • Human Research Protection Official’s (HRPO) Review
  • Protocol Modification Review
  • Continuing Review
  • We also provide assistance to investigators throughout the protocol development and submission processes

NOTE : If your protocol involves the use of DHA data, then you may need to obtain a formal agreement with DHA for the sharing and use of those data elements.  The DHA Privacy and Civil Liberties Office manages the Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) program.  Information and instructions for executing a DSA may be found on the Submit a Data Sharing Application page.

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ERIB Quick Reference Guide_System Access

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Frequently asked questions related to access to the Electronic Institutional Review Board (EIRB) system

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10 USC 980

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10 USC 980 Limitation on use of humans as experimental subjects

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32 CFR 219

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32 CFR 219 Protection of Human Subjects

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DoD and OUSD_PandR_Specific and Unique Requirements

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Reliance on NCI CIRB Approval Memorandum

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General Instructions for Submitting Protocols and Supporting Documents for Review

Fact Sheet

This document will provide investigators a list of services provided in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (OASD(HA)) and the Defense Health Agency (DHA), the documents needed to receive in order to complete our reviews, and the manner in which those documents should be submitted.

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IP 006 Scientific Review of Human Research Studies

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This information paper describes the requirement for a scientific review of human research studies.

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HRPO Review Checklist


This checklist applies to situations in which the OASD(HA)/DHA is engaged or involved in research with another institution and the research has been reviewed and approved by one or more non-DoD Institutional Review Boards (IRBs).

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Researcher Responsibility Form


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Scientific Review Checklist


This checklist is appropriate for studies that include both biomedical and social/behavioral research.

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Continued Acceptance of OUSDPR HRPP Training

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Duplicate Human Research Protection Official and Administrative Reviews

Fact Sheet

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Exempt Categories

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