United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Public Health

Depleted Uranium Follow-Up Program


VA and the Department of Defense established the Depleted Uranium Follow-Up Program at the Baltimore VA Medical Center to screen and monitor Veterans for health problems associated with exposure to depleted uranium (DU).


VA requires active duty service in any of the conflicts listed below to qualify for the DU Follow-Up Program:

  • 1990-1991 Gulf War
  • Bosnia
  • Operation Enduring Freedom
  • Operation Iraqi Freedom
  • Operation New Dawn

The DU Follow-Up Program is especially geared to Veterans who were on, in or near vehicles hit with "friendly fire"; rescuers entering burning vehicles, and those near burning vehicles; salvaging damaged vehicles; or near fires involving DU munitions.

You may download and print the Environmental Health Registry Programs for Veterans full-color brochure (495 KB, PDF) for a handy guide on VA's health registry programs: Ionizing Radiation, Agent Orange, Gulf War, Depleted Uranium, and Toxic Embedded Fragments.

Screening for Depleted Uranium Exposure and Follow-up Care

For Veterans concerned about DU exposure during combat, VA offers a screening program that involves completing:

  • An exposure questionnaire
  • 24-hour urine collection test

For Veterans exposed to DU from embedded fragments or with DU-contaminated wounds, the Depleted Uranium Follow-Up Program involves:

  • Detailed physical exams
  • Clinical tests of organ systems function
  • Recommendations for treatment, including surgical removal of embedded fragments

So far no health problems associated with DU exposure have been found in Veterans exposed to DU. Researchers and clinicians continue to monitor the health of these Veterans.

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