RSM Bi-monthly Conference Call
18 June 2015
1:30 - 2:30 Eastern

| U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | Engineer Research and Development Center | Warning |


1:30 - 1:35   Introductions

1:35 - 1:40  Program Updates (Lillycrop, SAM)

  • RSM-EWN IPR and Meeting, 18-20 August 2015
  • FY16 Proposals due July 17, 2015

1:40 - 1:45  RSM National Center/CX update (Jackie Keiser)

1:45 - 2:05  NWP Port Orford RSM (Norton/Moritz/Groth)

2:05 - 2:25  NAN/POH Sandy Hook RSM (Lauren Molina)

2:25 - 2:30  Discussion, Q&A, Wrap-up

Connection Information

Access and call-in information:

  • Toll-Free #: 877-873-8018
  • Participant Code: 3078648
  • Security Code: 1234

Webmeeting connection information

  • URL:
  • Access Code: 8778738018
  • Participant Code: 3078648

Linda Lillycrop
202-761-1837 office

Comments / Whom to contact
Webdate February 2015