Coastal Delaware and Regional Sediment Management
Beaches, Navigation, and Ecosystem Restoration
DNREC DNERR facility
St. Jones Reserve Coastal Training Center
818 Kitts Hummock Road, Dover, DE 19901

29-30 August 2016


| U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | Engineer Research and Development Center | Warning |

Monday, 29 August

1045 - 1100 Registration
1100 - 1115

Welcome and Introductions
Meeting Objectives

Tony Pratt
Monica Chasten
1115 - 1215 Past and Ongoing Actions: Coastal Delaware Beaches, Navigation, and Ecosystem Restoration Maintenance, Monitoring, Collaboration, Challenges Tony Pratt
1215 - 1230 LUNCH (pick up)
1230 - 1245

RSM Program Overview

Linda Lillycrop
1245 - 1300 Coastal Resilience and RSM Julie Rosati
1300 - 1330

RSM Center Overview
RSM Strategy Tool

Jackie Keiser
Clay McCoy
1330 - 1345 Break
1345 - 1430 USACE Philadelphia District: Coastal Delaware Beaches, Navigation, and Ecosystem Restoration Maintenance, Monitoring, Collaboration, Challenges TBD
1430 - 1630 Discussion - All
RSM Opportunities for Coastal DE Beaches, Navigation, Ecosstem Restoration, and Resilience
Matt Schrader
1630 Adjourn

Tuesday, 30 August

0900 - 1200 Discussion - Focus on Drafting and Implementing RSM Strategies


Comments / Whom to contact
Webdate August 2015