Ocean Disposal Database

Welcome to the United States Army Corps of Engineers Ocean Disposal Database Website

Dredging Operations and Technical Support Home Page (DOTS)

Click on Corps of Engineers Division Map to locate a specific disposal site,

Choose a Report or Search for Disposal Site or Project Data 

Corp of Engineers District Map

Search Using EPA Region Map

Display volumes in:    Cubic Yards    Cubic Meters


(1) Amount disposed by all districts

(2) Amount disposed at a single ocean site

(3) Amount disposed within a single EPA region    

(4) Amount disposed in each major US Ocean

(5) Amount disposed by a single district

(6) Amount disposed by year, all districts

(7) Amount disposed that met the exclusionary criteria

(8) Total number of disposal projects by year

(9) View data for an individual dredging project

* Click here to see the description and details of a particular report. 

Files available for Download

For additional Information, please contact Charles H. Lutz (email)

Data are current through CY 2010