United States Department of Veterans Affairs

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The field of trauma and PTSD has continued to expand in both the clinical and public health sectors. At the same time, as research and educational demands increase to address prevention, resilience and recovery alongside diagnoses and treatment, the programs and priorities at the National Center grow accordingly. We continue to pursue our vision to be the best source and communicator of information on PTSD and trauma, and have the following immediate goals.

Our Highest Priorities for the Future

  • Promoting the best treatment for veterans with PTSD through the Uniform Services Package
  • Fostering integrated primary/behavioral health care for veterans with PTSD within the primary care setting, where most help seeking for mental health problems occurs
  • Assisting VA to incorporate evidence-based assessment tools into clinical practice and into compensation and pension diagnostic evaluations
  • Advancing knowledge concerning evidence-based treatments through multi-site and single site trials of psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, and the combination
  • Advancing our scientific understanding of PTSD through genetic, brain imaging, neurohormonal, physiological, cognitive, and behavioral research
  • Advancing our understanding of resilience in order to develop predeployment preventive strategies for military personnel; such understanding will span genetic, molecular, behavioral, and social domains
  • Continuing collaboration with DoD regarding pre- and post-deployment mental health
  • Continuing collaboration with VA, DoD, and HHS to improve preparation and early intervention following mass casualties and natural disasters
  • Disseminating evidence-based knowledge obtained through all of the above initiatives via our website, publications, training programs, electronic educational curricula, and presentations at scientific and professional meetings
  • Recruiting and training the next generation of PTSD clinicians, scientists and educators