
 Naval Base Coronado
 NBC Site Safety Office
For assistance, comments or questions, please feel free to contact our safety office located at NAS North Island, building 678, room 22
 Business Hours:   MON–FRI, 0630 - 1600
 Safety Manager  619-545-1049
 Safety Specialist  619-545-1052
 Safety Specialist  619-545-2492
 Safety Specialist  619-767-7546
 Safety Specialist  619-545-8162
 Safety Specialist  619-545-1055
 Safety Specialist  619-545-4198
 Fax  619-545-1053
Safety Department provides NAVOSH support to the Commanding Officer, Naval Base Coronado and tenant commands as appropriate. Areas of responsibility include mishap investigation, reporting and recordkeeping, workplace inspections, hazardous material control and management, employee reports of unsafe/unhealthful working conditions, relations with federal OSHA officials, and training.
 Vision / Operation Philosophy:
Our customer’s satisfaction is our primary focus and we continuously seek creative and cost effective solutions with our customers to increase service excellence
 Description of Services

Mishap Investigation, Reporting, and Recordkeeping 
 · Promulgate requirements for reporting and investigating all mishaps. 
 · Mishap investigation training. 
 · Receive, investigate, track and maintain log of reported mishaps. 
 · Compile annual report of Navy and civilian occupational injuries and
   illnesses for submission to COMNAVSAFCEN. 
 · Post, conspicuously, the “Annual Report of Navy Civilian Occupational
   Injuries and Illnesses”. 
 · Provide periodic (weekly and monthly) mishap statistics to the CO
   for review.

OSH Inspections (Shore Activity Level) 
 · Workplace hazard assessment – to determine PPE requirements. 
 · Review activity current Industrial Hygiene Survey. 
 · Schedule inspection. 
 · Notification to activity of pending inspection. 
 · Conduct inspection in brief. 
 · Inspect for hazardous conditions, unsafe work practices and
   violations of standards. 
 · Compile inspection report – provide to activity to include NAVOSH 
   Deficiency Notice if applicable. 
 · Retain an inspection record. 
 · As a minimum, all workplaces and buildings/facilities are
   inspected annually.

Hazardous Material Control and Management 
 · Evaluate activities’ HAZCOM program for compliance. 
 · Through oversight and guidance, ensure that current MSDSs
   (for HAZMAT used) are obtained and maintained. 
 · Review and approve/disapprove hazardous material addition/deletion
   to activities’ Authorized Used List (AUL). 
 · Hazardous material minimization. 
 · Ensure employees received required HAZCOM training.

Employee Reports of Unsafe/Unhealthful Working Conditions 
 · Publicize (e. g., posting, training) the existence of the
   hazard-reporting program. 
 · Maintain anonymity of personnel submitting a report. 
 · Ensure standard hazard reporting forms and procedures are available
   to all personnel. 
 · Provide in writing a response (interim, complete) to the originator
   within ten (10) working days. 
 · Provide appeals procedure. 
 · Maintain records of all reports.

Relations With Federal OSHA Officials 
 · Accompany federal OSHA officials at all times while at NBC to conduct
   inspections of authorize civilian workplaces. 
 · Verify required security clearances. 
 · Ensure only authorized OSH information is provided to inspectors. 
 · Brief the CO daily on the status of on-going inspection. 
 · Coordinate (when applicable) inspection responses.

 · The following safety specific training and other non-safety related training are
   available on-line. Regional customers can complete and receive
   credit (with ESAMS Account) by using the ESAMS application at the following address:

 · All Hands-Level 1 Antiterrorism/Force Protection Awareness
   Training (CONUS) 
 · Anthrax Exposure and Awareness
 · Asbestos Awareness-OSHA Class IV Asbestos Training
 · Asbestos and Man-Made Vitreous Fibers (MMVF) Hazard
   Awareness (CNRSW)
 · Back Injury Prevention Training (Annual)
 · Blood-borne Pathogens Training
 · Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Safety Training
 · Ergonomics Awareness Training
 · Ergonomic Training for Supervisors
 · ESAMS Training for Supervisors
 · Fire Prevention/Portable Fire Extinguisher Training
   and Education
 · General Safety Training for COMNAVAIRFOR 4790.2
 · HAZCOM Initial (CNRSW)
 · Hearing Conservation Training
 · Job Hazard Analysis Training
 · Lead Awareness – Non-Lead Workers (Possible Contact)
 · Lockout/Tag-out for Authorized Employees (CNRSW)
 · Mishap Reduction Required Reading (One-Time Only)
 · NAVOSH Orientation
 · Occupational Reproductive Hazards Awareness
 · Operational Risk Management
 · Powered Industrial Trucks (Forklift) Formal Instruction
 · PPE Training
 · Privacy Act 101 – Privacy Act Training
 · Privacy Act 102 – Training for Supervisors
 · Privacy Act 103 – Safeguarding Privacy Act Data
 · Process Review and Measurement System (PRMS) Training
 · Radiation Safety Training for Baggage Inspectors
 · Respirator Protection Manager Training (Departmental or RPPA)
 · Sight Conservation Training
 · Supervisor Annual Training – Industrial (CNRSW)
 · Supervisor Annual Training – Non-Industrial (CNRSW) 
 · Suspicious Packages Awareness Training for Mail Handlers
 · West Nile Virus Awareness Training
 · Classroom Training
 · CPR Certification
 · Respiratory Program Assistant
 · Respiratory Protection Program (User)
 · Energy Control (Lockout/Tag-out)

 · Traffic Safety Program.
   Conduct quarterly Traffic Safety Council/Focus Group meeting.
   Coordinate Motorcycle Safety and AAA Driver Improvement training.
   Periodic Safety Standdown.
   Investigate and staff appropriate traffic issues and forward
   for correction(s) to the CO.

 · Recreation and Off-Duty Safety (RODS) Program
   Inspection of recreational facilities and equipment.

 · Monthly Newsletter - SAF-T-LINES

 · Dissemination of safety information.
   Raise safety awareness

 · Self-help
   Safety review of all self-help projects
   Maintain records

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