Cabezon Creek WSA, NM
Railroad Valley Oil Well, Battle Mountain NV Antelope in New Mexico Arrow-leaf balsam root in Montana Wind Turbine Fire Management Officer in Eugene, OR
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Explore Your Public Lands with New Interactive Features

New Access Tool for Trail Riders
The BLM's new suite of online maps provide information and eye-catching visual images of mountain biking recreation sites and trails.  Developed in partnership with the International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) and the MTB Project. Launch maps | Watch video

Interactive Maps of National Conservation Lands

Access Public Lands Through Recreation Guides
The BLM's National Conservation Lands program has developed online recreational guides to easily connect to these lands. These areas are part of an active, vibrant landscape where people live, work, and play. Click here to launch

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In the Spotlight:





New BLM Feature
Image of man riding a mountain bike -- links to video

The BLM's new suite of online maps provide helpful information and eye-catching visual images of mountain biking recreation sites and trails.  Developed in partnership with the International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) and the MTB Project. Click to watch video

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Wyoming/Nebraska BLM Montana/Dakotas BLM Eastern States BLM New Mexico/Texas/Kansas/Oklahoma BLM Colorado BLM Idaho BLM Oregon/Washington BLM Utah BLM Arizona BLM Nevada BLM California BLM Alaska BLM USA map for BLM