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External Certification Authority Program (ECA)


The IASE web site does NOT currently accept ECA certificates for entry into the PKI-protected area.

The ECA Program has released a new version of the ECA Certificate Policy which 1) clarifies requirements for compliance with the Federal Bridge, 2) adds a Medium Hardware SHA256 Policy Object Identifier, 3) removes the ITAR restrictions and 4) updates text to align with the DoD CP. The ECA CP version 4.4 can be downloaded here.

External Certification Authority Program:

The DoD has established the External Certification Authority (ECA) program to support the issuance of DoD-approved certificates to industry partners and other external entities and organizations. The ECA program is designed to provide the mechanism for these entities to securely communicate with the DoD and authenticate to DoD Information Systems.

The DoD PKI Program Management Office (PMO) has designated the ECA External Liaison Officer (ELO) as the single point of contact to receive and coordinate all communications between the ECA community, DoD programs, and the DoD PKI PMO.


ECA vendors that have been approved:

Vendor Name
Operational Research Consultants, Inc. (ORC)
Symantec, Inc.
IdenTrust, Inc.