Management System

The River Engineering Modeling and Management System (REMMS) is a process derived from the compilation of over 100 years of river engineering experience and research. REMMS comprises every step of the problem solving process, from initial project formulation and data collection, to the implementation of a solution. At AREC and in coordination with other agencies, REMMS has the ability to provide the most technologically advanced river engineering resources available.

Customers and Stakeholders

Each project is guided by a technical manager assigned to that project. REMMS technical managers are engineers. This allows personnel involvement with all aspects of the project, from funding and scheduling, to the technical details. They sometimes coordinate between all the different parties involved in the project and most importantly provide technical support to the Project Manager.

Data Collection

Data Collection is of primary importance to each project. Prior to any problem evaluation, data must be collected in order to evaluate the situation and consider what tools must be used to solve the problem. REMMS integrates many different data sources to achieve the best problem solution.

  • Literature Search: Investigation into past studies and past data collected within the problem area.
  • Visualization: Aerial Photography of ice flows can be helpful in identifying existing surface flow patterns.
  • ADCP: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler, or ADCP, is an extremely useful instrument for measuring velocities anywhere in the water column
  • Aerial Photography/Orthophotos: Aerial photographs and orthophotos are used to analyze and study the project area.
  • Bathymetry: River bathymetry data must be collected in order to understand the sediment transport response of a given stretch of river.
  • Biosonics: Biosonic techniques have been developed to give very accurate fish density and abundance information, useful in making decisions regarding fish habitat and diversity.
  • Fly Through: Aerial video that is tied into a GPS recording instrument provides the ability to provide high resolution of any reach of river.
  • Beam Surveys: High resolution multi-beam surveys are sometimes needed to discern intricate bathymetric patterns or irregularities in the river bottom, such as sunken barges or shipwrecks.
  • Sediment Sampling: In areas where the type of sediment is unknown, sediment sampling is needed. This can be done with a grab sampler or with overwater borings to a maximum depth of 10 feet.
  • Side Scan Sonar: Side Scan Sonar is used for mapping the riverbed for many purposes, including detection and identification of underwater objects and various bathymetric features not normally detected with a multibeam system.
  • Real Time Kinematic (RTK) Satellite Navigation: RTK is a satellite navigation system which provides the ability to collect real time water surface elevations.