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What is GCSS-Army?
GCSS-Army will be one single system that contains the functionality associated with the business areas of supply, maintenance, property, and tactical finance. GCSS-Army is an integrated system where users with access and permissions can login and perform their business area missions regardless of their position in the modular structure or location throughout the world.
How is GCSS-Army being developed?
GCSS-Army is being developed by leveraging the state of the art Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software known as SAP.
What is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)?
Enterprise – The entire organizational structure - The Army
Resource – All Equipment, personnel, facilities, funds, etc.
Planning – The systematic planning, coordination and execution of all Army logistics business using one single software system and common hardware.
What makes GCSS-Army better than what I have now?
One word – Integration.
What does “integrated solution” mean?
GCSS-Army is an integrated solution, meaning that all data exists in a single database and is accessible to all authorized users. Integration promotes accuracy, timeliness, and enables significant economies of scale in such areas as system support, training, and management.
What will GCSS-Army replace?
GCSS-Army will replace the existing suite of legacy STAMIS which includes the Standard Army Retail Supply System, Standard Army Maintenance System Enhanced, Property Book Unit Supply Enhanced, a host of unique applications, and the materiel management structure associated with these systems.
Will Units using GCSS-Army be able to interact with Units still on legacy systems?
Yes, Units on GCSS-Army will be able to conduct business with Units not on GCSS-Army. This is known as interoperability which will be required during the fielding process. GCSS-Army will also feed LOGSA databases just as the STAMIS do today.
Will GCSS-Army significantly change Army policy and regulations?
Yes. Policy and regulation will change. The Organizational Change Impacts which affect policy and regulation are being systematically captured for channeling to the appropriate agencies for action.



When will my unit get GCSS-Army?
The GCSS-Army Wave 2 Fielding Schedule is located in the Wave 2 Fielding Section of the GCSS-Army Website. All scheduling related question should be routed through your ACOM GCSS-Army Action Officer.
Will I get GCSS-Army if I am deployed?
The GCSS-Army Deployment Strategy and plan will take all variables into account with particular emphasis on the ARFORGEN cycle.
I am in the National Guard. Will I get GCSS-Army?
Yes. GCSS-Army is a multi-compo solution which will be fielded to the National Guard and Reserves.
Will we be given hardware when we are fielded GCSS-Army?
Hardware is not part of the GCSS-Army solution. All systems with the Army Gold Master image and internet connectivity are capable of connecting to the GCSS-Army system. If a Unit needs hardware, or connectivity for that matter, those needs will be identified during the site survey visits and communicated to proper channels for resolution.
What is the GCSS-Army plan to ensure Units are ready to "go-live"?
As part of the GCSS-Army regular fielding process, the GCSS-Army team will work with scheduled units to execute a deliberate 180 Day plan that involves awareness briefings, training, site surveys, and data cleansing activities to ensure they are ready to perform their mission upon conversion.
What is data cleansing?
In order to implement GCSS-Army all STAMIS data must migrate to one database. The data must be functionally and technically cleansed before being converted. Reconciliations, serial number comparisons, and conducting inventories are just some of the data cleansing activities that must be performed. An important part of functional cleansing is an assessment of business practices to ensure they are sound.
Can I begin now to be better prepared for conversion?
Absolutely! Data cleansing in preparation for GCSS-Army can start now. A Data Cleansing Guide has been posted on the GCSS-Army website to assist Soldiers with using data cleansing tools provided by GCSS-Army. At D-360, the LOGSA Enterprise Data Management Office (EDMO) will officially begin your data cleansing efforts by either visiting onsite or via DCS. Please esnure to be on the lookout for LOGSA EDMO support once you reach D-360.
My unit is currently in the process of converting to GCSS-Army, and I cannot access the GCSS-Army web portal?
Access Administrators designated by each unit are responsible for on-boarding personnel and assigning roles and permissions.



Will I be trained in GCSS-Army?
Yes, if required by your duty position. The GCSS-Army program has an aggressive educational strategy that includes a Lead User Program, a growing website with an Training tab and web based training, a New Equipment Training strategy, a Monitorship program, post deployment support, and a fully manned Help Desk.
What is GTRAC?
The GCSS-Army Training and Certification system (GTRAC) is the source for the most current GCSS-Army Web-Based Training (WBT) and online New Equipment Training (NET).
GTRAC allows students to register, complete training material online, and receive and completion certificate after successfully passing the module assessment.
Please view the below video to learn more about the deliberate sequence of training and how to progress through each occurrence:

Where can I find answers for a GCSS-Army Training/GTRAC related question?
All training/GTRAC related inquiries need to be submitted using the "Training Tab Support" link found on the right pane of our training tab.
Alternatively, inquiries can be submitted using the GCSS-Army Training and Certification system (GTRAC) help tab.
Will GCSS-Army be challenging for logistics and finance personnel to learn, train and use?
Learning GCSS-Army only requires commitment to an education process that begins early on and leads to New Equipment Training (NET). A survey of actual users of the system at the National Training Center indicates that learning GCSS-Army was no more challenging than SARSS . In addition, the GCSS-Army team will exploit state-of-the art training techniques, including new online technology to deliver training to Soldiers. Moreover, all units fielded GCSS-Army will receive new equipment training (NET) delivered by trained by a broad range of experienced logisticians, which include Quartermaster NCOs, Warrant Officers, civil servants and government contractors.
What is the time frame for training? How long will training be per area of responsibility (roles)?
In general, the length of training per user will vary depending on the number and complexity of roles assigned to the user. The training strategy requires end users to begin immediately by going to the GCSS-Army website Training tab where awareness training begins. The formal portion of training will begin approximately three months prior to the release going live. Factors that can increase or decrease the training period include: the number of users to be trained; the timing of the go-live date (e.g., proximity of year-end close, holiday periods, etc.); and availability of training facilities. In addition, user training will continue after system go-live. GCSS-Army support staff will stay on-site after go-live to provide support, including follow-up or refresher user training. The length of this support period and size of the support team depend on the size and complexity of the installation. Many of the GCSS-Army training courses are specific to user roles.
How can I get started learning GCSS-Army so I can be prepared when the fielding team arrives?
Great question! Start by going to the GCSS-Army website Training tab at If you are reading this FAQ you should already be there. The page is designed to take you through a progressive learning process which begins with FAQs, Continue further down the list of topics and you will arrive at the WBT modules. Follow the instructions provided and you will have achieved an Awareness level of education.



When will GCSS-Army be taught at TRADOC institutions?
Training for 92A and 920B will begin 1st Quarter FY 2014. TRADOC is determining how it wants to leverage the GCSS-Army training tools for Institutional Training. Awareness Training is being conducted now for select courses such as Supply and Maintenance Warrant Officer Advance and Basic Courses, Advanced and Basic Non-Commissioned Officer Courses, and the Sustainment Pre-Command Course.
In addition, training sessions are conducted at well attended annual events such as the World Wide Logistics Training Workshop (WLTW) and the Army Reserve National Guard Logistics Management Seminar.
What is in place to assist Soldiers who rotate into GCSS-Army positions after the initial training has occurred?
Web Based Training will be available to personnel on the GCSS-Army website. Web Based Training for Record can be found on the GCSS-Army Training and Certification system (GTRAC). Role specific training (the same training delivered for NET) can be found at any time on the End User Manual - Plus (EUM+).



How have SSA operations changed as a result of GCSS-Army implementation?
The SSA under GCSS-Army will continue to perform the basic core functions of accept, receive, store, issue, inventory, and ship. However, some of the procedures in executing these core functions have changed, including the naming conventions for some of the supply terms and processes due to the SAP software technical and functional requirements. In addition, the entire SSA functions have become more deliberate and transparent.
Is there a need for the SSA to continue the performance of monthly Reconciliation with its customers?
No! Reconciliation is no longer required because the SSA and its supported customers (organizational levels) would be in the same database , as such the need for reconciliation has gone away. This translates into a savings of 200 hours per month for an SSA with 50 customers.
What about Close-Outs and Backups?
Close-Outs, Backups, Restores, Trans-In, Trans-Outs, Input Logs, Output Logs, and ABFUPs all go away in an integrated environment.>
When conducting a walk up, are you required to have a manual DA Form 2765-1?
Yes, DA Form 2765-1 or 1348-1A is still required.
After conducting Post Goods Receipt (PGR) VL06i activities, why are parts deleting from VL06i PGR, but the materials are not showing on the Material Situation Report?
It seems that the items are automatically being consumed upon conducting the PGR. This caused by the STAMIS flag being on for the Storage Locations. The solution is that the Storage Location should be changed to STAMIS Flag=.
Parts received during blackout were in the unit's physical possession, but not in GCSS-Army (storage location or material situation?
Tell customers to bring in materials manually via Movement Type 501 (Post Goods Receipt) and then issue them to the work order(s).
How can a customer get an actual printout of their renamed Stock SLocs?
You can’t conduct this action from ZPBOSTRUC. NOTE: You are able to achieve this action by accessing a transaction code like IQ09. At the initial page scroll down to the Storage Location field and select the “search help” button for the field. Under the Storage Locations for Force Element Tab enter the Force Element, FE number for PB in the Force Element field. Select the “green check”. Once generated you will receive a printable list of Stock Storage Locations with Descriptions; press the “print” button in the top right corner.



Why doesn't the serial number in GCSS-Army show on my primary HR?
If the serial number matches the equipment number, the serial number will not show on the PHR. If the material has a GA09 SNP and was missing from the PBUSE report at the time of migration, the Equipment Record number will populate as the serial number in order to ensure the material migrates. Users should perform a serial number change using IE02 to add the correct serial number and it will populate on the primary hand receipt.
Where can I find the Force Activity Designator (FAD) in GCSS-Army and can I change it?
The FAD can be found in ISDFPS/LSP2 and cannot be changed by the PBO.
How do I assign DoD document number series in GCSS-Army?
GCSS-Army does not require the user to set the parameters as you did in legacy. Wherever there is a requirement for a DoD Doc #, the system will automatically apply your DODAAC, the current Julian data and the next number in the series.
Can I add a serial number to a Non-Serialized Material?
GCSS-Army does not have a process to add a serial number such as PBUSE. Prior to the migration of your units data, a determination has already been made that a material will or will not be serialized and given the appropriate Serial Number Profile (SNP).
Will my Sensitive Items (SI) print out on my Cyclic Inventory (CI) count sheet?
No. Sensitive materials will not print on the CI count sheet.
Will the 100% command directed inventory include both sensitive and non-sensitive materials?
Yes but, you must first ensure that the material is not already on an existing inventory
Will a serial number change reflect on the Daily Activity Report (DAR) in BI/BW?
No. Serial number changes will only reflect on the ZEQCHGS report.
Will a material migrate from PBUSE to GCSS-Army if the serial numbers already exist in GCSS-Army?
No. GCSS-Army will not migrate the material for a serial number that already exists in GCSS-Army.
Will GCSS-Army replace PBUSE?
Yes. PBUSE is actually the first portion of GCSS-Army development completed during the custom coding effort which gave way to a Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) solution. GCSS-Army is an integrated solution that will replace multiple bridging STAMIS (legacy).
Will GCSS-Army function like PBUSE?
GCSS-Army uses SAP out-of-the box software to reengineer business processes. Although there are similarities between the two systems, in general, GCSS-Army will integrate supply, property book, SSA and maintenance. See for more information on this topic.
Will GCSS-Army reconcile open requisitions between the property book and the SSA?
No. GCSS-Army is an integrated solution, which eliminates the need for reconciliations. GCSS-Army users will enjoy shared information to include status of open requisitions, called “Purchase Orders” in GCSS-Army.
Why do I receive an error when trying to upload the XML file?
Depending on the error you receive there are steps you need to follow. Example 1: Customer receives XML FILE FROM PBUSE: ERRORS, you need to follow the steps to uploading XML File if you receive an error provided for you in the PowerPoint slide. Example 2: Customer receives a parcing error, they will follow the same steps, but also they need to change the PBIC in the XML file. With the release scheduled for 07-Jul-2016, GCSS-Army feature improved file parcing logic to accept certain PBUSE XML files that would previously have caused cause an error.
What needs to be done if the quantity has "0" for the O/H quantity on the sensitive item inventory?
Make sure previous inventories are closed out. (If inventories are not close out from the previous month and material has been moved from one storage location to another, it will cause the system to produce an on hand balance of "0" for that storage location). So close out the previous inventory Mi02 and re-generate the inventory in ZMi31.
How can I get an actual printout of my renamed Stock SLocs?
You can do this from ZPBOSTRUC however there is an easier way using ZFE.
1.) Enter TCODE ZFE in row 2 enter the DoDAAC (you can enter all of your DoDAACs and get all SLocs at one time. You cannot do this in ZPBOStruc)
2.) Scroll down to the Vendor entry and Type "plant2000"
3.) Select the Stock radio Button at the bottom of the screen
4.) execute the transaction
5.) when the report opens, right click anyplace on the screen and a selection box will open. You may want to check the display variant used to ensure all data you require is displayed.
6.) choose spreadsheet and answer the prompts to export the report
7.) report will populate in Excel with all organizational data to include DoDAAC, SLOCs, SLOC name, UICs, SSA and identifcation or the accountable(CDR) Sloc.
Why isn't my unit properly aligned in GCSS-Army?
Some users had an issue with UTO - the PBO team submitted a HDT and this fixed the issue.
How can S4 personnel view their future MTOE authorizations?
Currently, S4 personnel don't have access to ZPBOSTRUC, this was raised up and the fix was to provide S4 personnel access to this T-Code in the future. In addition, S4 personnel can run the Material Comparison (ZMATCOMP) report for a specific UIC as of a specific future date. The resulting report will show the MTOE authorizations in effect as of that date side-by-side with the UIC's current on hand quantities. Additionally authorizations are available in /ISDFPS/LSP1 or LSP2 on the Stock pool tab.
Why can't I print my SLOC's listing from ZPBOSTRUC?
You can do this from ZPBOSTRUC however there is an easier way using ZFE.
1.) enter TCODE ZFE in row 2 enter the DoDAAC (you can enter all of your DoDAACs and get all SLocs at one time. You cannot do this in ZPBOStruc)
2.) Scroll down to the Vendor entry and Type "plant2000"
3.) Select the Stock radio Button at the bottom of the screen
4.) execute the transaction
5.) when the report opens, right click anyplace on the screen and a selection box will open. You may want to check the display variant used to ensure all data you require is displayed.
6.) choose spreadsheet and answer the prompts to export the report
7.) report will populate in Excel with all organizational data to include DoDAAC, SLOCs, SLOC name, UICs, SSA and identifcation or the accountable(CDR) Sloc.
Why can't I print multiple Component Hand Receipts from Disp_MAT_SIT as the lesson states?
Research into this lesson revealed that the simulation was missing a key step: Press the Ctrl key while selecting multiple end items. After running /ISDFPS/DISP_MAT_SIT and selecting the Print Component Hand Receipt list item from the More Functions drop-down menu, the Material Situation dialog box lists all of the unit's on-hand end items with components. You select a single item by clicking it's row selector button. However, the lesson fails to mention that you must press the Ctrl key in order to click and select any subsequent end items. The rest of the simulation is correct. Revisions are complete and a new version of the simulation (v. 2a) will be released to the EUM+ on or about 06-Jun-2016.
Why aren't my items displaying in the "qty to suspend" column in ZPBOWKBNCH?
Creating the PR for a partial quantity does not trigger the "Qty to Suspend" status flag. Line items are not marked "Qty to Suspend" until the PBO converts the PR into a PO or STO.
Why are my PRs sent through SBWP going to my PBO NCO's .mil mailbox?
HDT was submitted during Virtual OTS, but not resolved.
When filling out the ZMi31 (for sensitive items), will this update my Mi04 (count sheet)?
No, the user will still need to go to the T-Code and enter their counts.
How can I annotate zero count?
UUsers must enter "0" and select the Zero Count box.
Why do I have items with a quantity of "0" on my inventory document?
If the LIN is authorized by MTOE, but not on hand, it will still be annotated on the inventory document.
Why is it difficult to research a material that is non-standard?
The process is very cumbersome, and took a long time to get the information needed (about 2 hrs.). User had to use outside source (contact the vendor) in order to obtain the right combination PN/CAGE.
Why is my reservation showing an error?
The user performed the steps of the process correctly, but received an error "error occurred when calling workflow", however, the reservation was processed and showed in MB25 on the reservation list. User submitted a HDT.
Am I able to request nonexpendable shortages?
No, the system functions just like legacy, based on DODAAC/document register parameters. This can only be done by the PBO.
Can I print a shortage annex?
No, in its current design, the system has a material slip, however, it doesn't provide the user with any updates on the materials that are short.
What report can be used for Unit Status Reporting (USR)?
While the UERL isn't a USR report, it does provide the user with the ERC listing.
How can I manage my equipment located at MATES?
See the following Job Aids in the Unit Supply/Job Aids section the EUM+ for detailed instructions:
Long-Term Assignment of Equipment to MATES, ECS, and UTES (Ver. 2)
Equipment Loans: Unit-to-Unit and MATES/ECS/UTES-to-Unit (Ver. 5)
What should I do when I try to issue/assign property to and individual by name in my unit using using /ISDFPS/MAT_ASSIGN/MAT_ASSIGN?
To issue material to end users, the end user of the equipment must have a personnel number in GCSS-Army. Use /ISDFPS/MAT_ASSIGN to assign property to an individual. A Simulation and Transaction Guide describing how to do this is in the Unit Supply section of the EUM+. NOTE: As of 07-July-2016, the transaction's Personnel Number and Organizational unit fields will become required fields. Revised training materials will be released at approximately the same time.



Will GCSS-Army affect the requirement for AMSS reporting?
No. The GCSS-Army program will not eliminate AMSS requirements. The system will provide equipment readiness daily in the Business Intelligence/Business Warehouse (BI/BW). The official AMSS data that is required for the USR will still be produced on the 15th of the month.
Will GCSS-Army interface with SAMS-E?
Yes, during WAVE 1 fielding. Once WAVE 2 fielding begins, SAMSE will be replaced by Plant Maintenance.
(see Development Strategy)
Can the National Guard dispatch GSA vehicles through GCSS-Army?
No, they will continue to dispatch manually in accordance with local Standard Operating Procedures.
Can you dispatch a trailer?
Yes, you can dispatch with a prime mover or stand alone.
Will the technical status automatically update upon completing a work order?
No, the technical status will automatically update when you open a work order. You will have to manually update the technical status upon closing the work order.
How do you forward a work order to a maintenance support facility that is not in GCSS-Army?
The unit has to print the work order by going to the Equipment Situation Report and select the equipment needing repair, then select orders, select the work order tied to the equipment in question, go to the menu bar and select orders, select print and take the printed work order to the maintenance support facility that's not in GCSS-Army.
What steps do I take if I am unable to see serial number profile under genera plant/storage data 2 tab in MM03?
Type in the material number and click enter. You will see the select view tab populate. Click on the general plant/storage data 2 view. Then click on the org level and you will see the floating box for the plant storage location. Type in the plant and click enter. You should now see the serial number profile.
Am I able to request CL IX items?
No, users can only request materials based on the DODAAC parameters.



How do I determine the correct Commitment Item when creating an FMZ1?
When creating a Funds Commitment document, FMZ1, do not populate the Commitment Item field. The Commitment Item will be derived based on the G/L Account you input, for example 6100.260B will automatically populate in the Commitment Item field with 260B.
How do I check for failed IDOCs for offline orders?
The failed IDOCs report is located on AKO in folder:
I received a UMD for invalid quantity, how do I perform the research?
1) Review the Purchase order History via transaction ME23N
2) Validate the bill is correct based on what was received in LIW with their G4 Rep.
3) Submit a helpdesk ticket in GCSS-Army to investigate and apply corrective action.
I received a UMD and I cannot find an obligation and there is no matching document?
1) Validate the bill is correct based on what was received in LIW with their G4 Rep.
2) Check for DOD Document number in the Text field of the header and item text of the FMZ. Sometime Customer enters the DOD Document in these 2 fields of the document instead of the reference field.
3) DOD Document number must be in the reference field in order for the bill to match
I received a UMD that should have been a Free Issue PO?
1) Review the Purchase order History via transaction ME23N 2) Validate the bill is correct based on what was received in LIW with their G4 Rep.
3) If double billed, the customer should reach out to DFAS first to validate if an erroneous or duplicate transaction was sent from DCAS to GCSS-A
4) If is not erroneously submitted by DCAS, Customer check the MATCAT 2nd position in the Material Master.
 a) If is it an Alpha, 3, and 5 value, then the item is free issue.
   i) If the item should not be a free issue item, then the Item Manager should make the change in the catalog in FLIS for change to be push to GCSS-Army.
 b) If it is not an Alpha, 3, and 5 value, then the item is not free. Customer should create a FMZ to clear the bill.
 c) If the bill amount is incorrect, then Customer should reach out to the source to send correction to GCSS-Army.
 d) If the PO does not meet the criteria above, put in a help desk ticket (HDT)
Which Status of Funds have drill down capability?
Both the Cumulative and Non-Cumulative status of funds now have drill down capabilities
I have recently converted to Wave 2 and I am not seeing any new orders in ZPARK since conversion, what might be the issue?
In Wave 2, a majority of the orders are now Purchase Requests (PRs) and will display in ZPARK under the PR Tab. Users should continue to check the PO tab.
How do I know if reservations are converted to PRs?
Use transaction MD04 by NIIN and MRP area to view all PRs/POs against the demand list.
Is there a consolidated Status of Funds for GFEBS and GCSS-Army?
Yes, in GFEBS it is located within BI and is called The Command Budget Reporter. Any of the reports under that heading are consolidated reports.
I want to display a list of Purchase Requisitions (PR's) that have a Release Strategy, what TCode should I use?
Use ME5A to display PRs that have not been released.
I have made changes to the Account Assignment Table for an existing DODAAC, how do I know if the table is updated with the new data?
Use the TCode ZACCTASSIGNX to validate the changes made to the account assignment table. If the table is not updated with the correct data that you changed, you will need to submit a HDT to correct the table. Prior to submitting a HDT please ensure that you saved your changes.
Why isn’t there any AFP in GCSS-Army?
As of January, 2016 there is no requirement for AFP in GCSS-Army. All AFP is maintained in GFEBS.
How do I know how much funding is remaining (available balance) in GCSS-Army so I can withdraw it back to GFEBS?
Use the transaction code FMAVCR02 to obtain available balances by BAG/SAG.
Will I ever see a cost center and a WBS on the same line of accounting in ZACCTASSIGNX?
No, there will either be a cost center or WBS; never both.
What is the GCSS-Army Federated Approach?
GCSS-Army will incorporate General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) Financial Solution creating a federated financial system of record. Under the Federated Approach to accounting, GCSS-Army will leverage the GFEBS core design template to provide a single business process that will allow the Army to integrate logistics, financial, maintenance, property accountability of assets and accounting data. GCSS-Army will become one of the world's largest fully integrated enterprise logistics / financial systems, managing around $49.7 billion (as of FY2010) in annual spending by the active Army, National Guard and Army Reserve. The federated approach will standardize transactional input and business processes across the Army ERPs to enable common cost management activities; provide accurate, reliable, and real-time data; and tie budgets to execution. For the first time, the Tactical Army will have a common authoritative source for financial and related, non-financial data for its entire tactical general fund (system of record) execution. Business systems that provide critical Warfighter support will be modernized, and outdated legacy systems will be replaced through incremental fielding of modernized capability. The federated approach leverages resources and integrates processes and infrastructure, while presenting accurate data and status that is visible anywhere.
What will the GCSS-Army - Federation Approach replace?
GCSS-Army’s Financial application will replace a portion of the current accounting system; STANFINS. It will also eliminate several auxiliary interfacing systems; Fund Control Module (FCM), Resource Management Tool (RMT), Data Base for Commitment Accounting System (dbCAS).
What will be different after GCSS-Army Financial is fully fielded? What are the benefits?
Currently, the Army does not have integration across its financial systems or among other domains such as Logistics; GCSS-Army will integrate a significant portion of the financial capabilities of the Army. This integration allows for a single data entry into the system – significantly decreasing the number of manual reconciliations currently being performed throughout the Army. Integration also improves planning, programming, budgeting and execution through the use of integrated output data from financial and non-financial sources. The GCSS-Army system will feed vital, up-to-the-minute information to senior civilian and Army leadership. GCSS-Army and GFEBS will jointly put in place and maintain financial and asset management systems that will not only give Congressional overseers the level of financial accountability they need from the Department, but also provide top-tier Army and DOD leadership with timely, accurate data that will enable them to make sound business decisions in support of America's Warfighters. Additionally, there will be significant savings in personnel- related matters as a result of the implementation of GCSS-Army. Roles will be re-distributed and realigned in order to appropriately work within the new system.
Will GCSS-Army financial reports show commitments, obligations and disbursements?
Yes, the GCSS-Army Funds Status Reports will display commitments, obligations, and disbursements. The reports will also display budget (allotment and annual funding plan), expenses, and available budget to get a complete status of budget authority. Under GCSS-Army, informal funding targets (i.e. FCM) can be distributed down to the Battalion Level or lower.
What will happen to Army legacy data in the systems being replaced by GCSS-Army?
The goal is to transfer as much data as possible from legacy systems in order to preserve the integrity and audit ability of GCSS-Army. Under the GCSS-Army conversion strategy, all open logistics transactions will be cleansed and the converted data will be posted both logistically and financially so the business processes will be in synchronization. Bottom-line: What you will see in logistics is the same as you will see in financials.
When ordering materials to a work order, why did the MRP process not run?
The customer had to go to ME5A and search for the Purchase Request (PR) in question to see how if it was held up in Z-Park or one of the 8 business rules associated with Release Strategy. If the PR was held up in one of the two, the customer must contact the release manager to have the material(s) released.



Where is the GCSS-Army Help Desk and how can I contact them?
Currently, the GCSS-Army help desk consists of 3 Tiers of Support. Tier 1 (also known as the Customer Support Office) is located at Fort Lee Virginia and operated by the CECOM System Engineering Center. Tier 2 and Tier 3 are located with the GCSS-Army Prime Contractor. A users point of contact information is:


Commercial: 804-734-1051

DSN: 687-1051

Toll Free: 1-866-547-1349
I don't understand the Help Desk Ticket Resolution Process. Can you explain this?
When a customer contacts the Help Desk or Customer Service Office (Tier 1), a Service Request is created for all service issues. If the issue cannot be resolved at the Service Request level by Tier 1 it is "converted" to a Help Desk Ticket and elevated to the next level of support (Tier 2). An automated email notification is sent to the customer informing them that their Service Request has been changed to a Help Desk Ticket and they are notified of their new HDT number and the support personnel assigned to their ticket.

The life of a HDT can follow one of two paths:

- Support is provided and the ticket is resolved. Once a solution is established, the customer is notified either by email or telephone of the resolution. The ticket will auto-close in 45 days once it is resolved if the customer does not inform Tier 2 that their issue has not been fixed.

- The HDT is determined to be irresolvable by the Tier 2 support technician and the ticket status is elevated to the Tier 3 level of support. If Tier 3 determines that in order to resolve the issue, changes to the source code of the software program are required, they must obtain approval to perform development work. Once the HDT is approved for development, the HDT is Closed and converted to a Change Item (CI). Change Items are the mechanism used by our system engineers to perform developmental work on any system software issues. The customer is again notified that their HDT has been converted to a Change Item and the new CI number is provided for tracking. The customer is informed that they will be notified again once their ticket has been scheduled to go into production. Once the CI goes into production, a notification is sent to the customer via email explaining that their issue has been resolved and how to find details on what was done to resolve their issue. They are also provided information on what to do if they do if their issue was not resolved to their satisfaction and informed that if no feedback is provided, the ticket will auto-close in 45 days.
I hear the term S4IF quite often associated with the Help Desk. What does it mean?
S4IF stands for Sustainment Support System for the Single Interface to the Field. This automated tool is one of the most effective ways for the Help Desk to streamline user incidents and facilitate the problem management process. It also: (1). Encourages user self-service which helps to reduce the volume of support services required. (2). Helps to prioritize incidents as well as resources accordingly reducing resolution time. (3). Geographically organizes the World Wide Help Desk system into a single point of control.
What is the website for S4IF?; Note: This website is CAC enabled.
What is required for access to S4IF?
A Common Access Card (CAC) and Internet Explorer 6 or later required to gain entry into the S4IF Portal/Help Desk Application. In addition, the computer being utilized must have Department of Defense (DoD) certificates loaded on it. First time use of S4IF will require users to fill out a registration form in order to gain further access to the system. New users can find detailed instructions on how to fill out this registration form by selecting the "New Users Start Here" link on the S4IF login page.
How do I know if my computer has a DoD certificate loaded so I can access S4IF?
Try to log in to Army Knowledge Online ( using a CAC card. AKO has a self help guide to assist with adding DoD certificates to computer and other issues that a customer may encounter. You may need to see your system administrator for assistance.
I have a CAC and DoD certificate on my computer, but still cannot log into S4IF.
If you cannot log into S4IF, complete the following process to attempt to correct the issue: (1) Clear the cache on your computer and try again. (2) Ensure the pop up blocker is turned off on the computer for this website. (3) Try to log in to S4IF from another computer within your work area. Note: If you can log in using another computer then the issue has to do with the configuration of yours!
I click the Help Desk box in S4IF and I receive a message that states, "Pop-up blockers must be disable to use this application." What do I do?
If this happens, close out of the portal and go to "Tools" on your browser at the top right menu bar. Click and select Pop-up Block and then select Turn off Pop-up block. Return to the S4IF website.
Is there a User's Guide for S4IF?
Yes, the Help Desk New Users Requester Guide can be accessed over the internet at
Does S4IF have an End User Manual?
Yes, within S4IF, the EUM link can be found on the Requestor Console. This manual is based on assigned roles and permissions in S4IF. Requesters will only see information that pertains to the requester role and also includes information that is helpful to all users. This EUM describes how to use the tools which are part of S4IF. Each user level is explained so that the subtle differences in each of the user levels will be easily understood. If you are unable to find what you need within the EUM, please contact the Customer Support Office and you will be assisted with your issue.
I was notified that my help desk ticket was resolved with the following message "The Status of this ticket has been changed to Resolved." I don't believe my issue/problem has been resolved. What options do I have?
First, an explanation of what the S4IF status of "resolved" really means. When a ticket is placed in the "resolved" status and you receive a message, it does not mean "completed!" Resolved means that the technician believes he or she has fixed your problem or issue. That is why you received the message. If you do not believe your issue/problem has indeed been resolved, you will need to make contact with Tier 1 using the phone or email information provided in the message you received and provide as much detail on why you believe the issue/problem has not been resolved. Tier 1 will pass your information to the technician assigned to your ticket and your ticket will be changed to a status of "work in progress." If the details surrounding your issue/problem are insufficient, you will be contacted for more information so that together, your issue/problem can be resolved satisfactorily. Note: When you receive this message, you have 45 days to respond or the ticket will automatically be closed by S4IF and you will receive another message stating that. If for any reason, you were unable to respond within the 45 day window, you will need to contact Tier 1 and work to either have the ticket re-opened or submit another one.
I was notified that my help desk ticket was closed and assigned a CI number. My issue/problem has not been resolved! What does this mean?
You were notified that your ticket was closed and converted to a Change Item (CI) and provided a new CI number to track..This does not mean your issue/problem has been resolved. Once your ticket is approved for development, the ticket is Closed and converted to a Change Item (CI). Change Items are the mechanism used by our system engineers to perform developmental work on any system software issues. You will be notified again once your CI number has been scheduled to go into production. Once the CI goes into production, you will be notified again via email explaining that your issue/problem has been resolved and how to find details on what was done to resolve your issue/problem. You will also provided information on what to if you do not believe your issue/problem was not resolved to your satisfaction and informed that if no feedback is provided, the ticket will auto-close in 45 days. (See prior Q&A).
Is there somewhere I can view of all open help desk tickets?
Yes, there are two ways to obtain an Excel file to view all open help desk tickets. First, since you are on the GCSS-Army Website, go to the Home Page and within the Product Support Center and open the Help Desk from the drop down menu; Click on User Submitted Open Help Desk Tickets; The second option is to access and download the file directly from AKO at



How will Materiel Management be performed under GCSS-Army?
The Materiel Management functions in GCSS-Army will be significantly reengineered to facilitate decision making versus data gathering. The Materiel Managers will be strategically positioned to best support the transformed Army across all COMPOs.
Where will Materiel Management be performed?
Materiel Management will be performed at most levels above the SSA within the modular structure to include the ASC/DMC. Where the function is performed is based on proximity to the SSA and the time sensitivity of process. The full breadth of the Materiel Management strategy won’t be realized until WAVE 2 fielding begins.
Will GCSS-Army have a Manager Review File (MRF) process?
Yes, but it will be known as the “Release Strategy”. The large number of Reason Referred Codes has been reduced significantly with only a select set of value added filters performed.
What about the Demand Analysis process?
The GCSS-Army Demand Analysis process is known as “Authorized To Forecast” and will incorporate the majority of Enhanced Dollar Cost Banding (EDCB) logic. It will exist totally in the solution and the process can take as little as an hour.
Why aren't my non-standard materials displaying in Mat_Assign?
Issue remained unresolved, since non-standard materials are not functional property, this may be why they aren't showing as available material.
When returning materials in Mat_Assign, why do they still remain in the assigned area?
Materials will still remain in this area but will be in a "returned" status.
Why aren't the materials selected displaying in the "issued material"?
Issue still unresolved, a HDT was submitted during Virtual OTS. User was unable to return the material to being available.


TECHNICAL (Hardware, Software, Communications)

Are there any established CAISI/VSAT Best practices that will help end users establish connectivity speeds similar to that of the local network?
Units that have followed the CAISI/CSS VSAT Best Practices listed below with their CAISI/CSS-VSAT and Logistics Information Systems have demonstrated that GCSS-Army works at speeds comparable to installation network architecture.
No unauthorized computer systems will be used on CAISI/CSS-VSAT, only LIS listed in DA ALARACT 024/2013 DTG R251503z JAN 13
Unauthorized modifications to the CAISI/CSS-VSAT degrade its operations and capabilities
Computer settings within GCSS-Army can be set to remove old certificates which will decrease log-in time
SASMOs ICW LARS validate updated images and software patches
Perform regular maintenance on CSS-VSAT and report status on Unit Status Report (USR)
SASMOs and End Users must be trained (click for training link)
GCSS-Army is slow over VSAT, what can I do to improve my performance?
To optimize GCSS-Army performance over the CAISI and VSAT network, you must have the hardware connected properly and running the most up-to-date firmware.
VSAT modem firmware: 2.3.1
CAISI ES520 firmware: V.
CAISI Juniper SSG-5 Firewall Firmware: V.6.3.0 Rev6.0.
Additionally, utilizing SAP GUI will provide better network performance over HTML interface.
Is GCSS-Army compatible with Office XX or IE XX or Java XX etc.?
GCSS-Army currently works with all versions of Office. Java 8.XX (All revisions) is approved to be used with GCSS-Army. IE 11 may need to have compatibility mode enabled.
Who do I contact if my CAISI/VSAT is not working or if I need to add wireless clients to the CAISI/Juniper whitelist. CSS CAISI and VSAT are not supported by PM GCSS-Army; they are supported by PD DWTS. The CSS CAISI helpdesk is SEC-LEE helpdesk@ 804-734-1051 or CSS VSAT helpdesk is the iNOC@ 309-644-5000 or You must contact the SEC-LEE or iNOC helpdesk for support.
What are some optional troubleshooting steps for reestablishing lost wireless connectivity on a Hand Held Terminal (HHT)?
If only one device is having connection issues, you could attempt the following:
1. Ensure that Wireless adapted is enabled. Note: Wireless will be disabled if HHT is in docking station.
2. Navigate to Network Sharing Center and verify proper Wireless SSID is setup.
3. Navigate to Device Manager and verify there are no errors with wireless drivers.
If problems persist, issue could be hardware related.
If all devices are having connection issues, you could attempt the following:
For CAISI/VSAT Networks:
1. SASMO should verify CAISI Bridge Module is online and broadcasting wireless signal.
2. Verify HHT is within range of wireless signal
3. If problems persist, have user submit a help desk ticket in S41F for CAISI.
For installation networks:
1. Contact local NEC to verify Aruba Wireless is online and broadcasting.
2. Verify HHT is within range of wireless signal.
3. If problems persist, elevate to Tier 3.
Will GCSS-Army users have servers that communicate with each other?
No. Users only need web browsing capability to access what is known as the Production System located at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. There will also be a backup COOP system located in Radford, Virginia.
How will GCSS-Army users communicate with the Production system?
By leveraging their web browsers, users will logon to GCSS- Army using Common Access Cards (CAC) / Army Knowledge Online (AKO) authentication. The standard communications vehicle will be CAISI/VSAT for the tactical Army. Local Area Network (LAN) capability will also exist.
What roles in GCSS-Army will the SASMOs be assigned?
The SASMO is responsible for hardware support, NIPRNET connectivity, and IAVA patch implementation. SASMO do not have functional roles inside the GCSS-Army application.
Will NEC be directly involved with supporting our GCSS-Army systems if we have connectivity issues, etc. As it is now, our SASMO generally work all that and if it requires NEC for some reason they work directly with them. I guess our question is, how does the role of the SASMO change under GCSS-Army, if at all? Is there IT training required for our current SASMO in order for them to be able to support GCSS-Army requirements?
SASMO provides unit level support for GCSS-Army systems to maintain hardware functionality and network connectivity; for ICAN connected systems, assistance from NEC personnel may be necessary. Should the SASMO need further assistance, the GCSS-Army helpdesk is available 24/7. GCSS-Army training for SASMO is OJT with the PM system engineers during conversion.
What system engineering documentation is available for GCSS-Army administration?
Documents related to the Authority to Operate (ATO), Certificate of Networthiness (CON), software compliance, etc. can be accessed and downloaded at
Does GCSS-Army require a separate OU to be created on the NEC Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC)?
Yes, it is because the hand held tablets are dependent on PM approved version of Java.
Where can the SASMOs obtain the latest software downloads for the SAP GUI and S-Tunnel?
The GCSS-ARMY enabler software can be downloaded via
Will GCSS-Army have an interface to SAMS-E and other STAMIS systems?
Not in the end-state. However, interfaces with legacy STAMIS will be required until fielding is completed.
I am a SASMO, who will assist my unit during Go-Live to update the SFTP settings in SAMSE, PBUSE, and ULLSA-E?
It is the unit SASMO’s responsibility to update the SFTP settings in all LIS systems post Go-Live. You can refer to the “SFTP Conversion Instructions for PBUSE and SAMS-E” document via the GCSS-ARMY website for detailed instructions:
I am a SASMO, when is the best time for me to run the SFTP Gunnery test? Do I have to run the test from the SAMS-E and ULLS-A(E)?
It is recommended to run the SFTP Gunnery test between D-90 and D-30 period from SAMS-E laptops and the ULLS-A(E) parser server to confirm a successful handshake between end-user laptops and GCSS-Army server at Redstone via Port 22.
Who updates IAVA on the GCSS-ARMY workstations?
If the systems are operating on the NEC, all IAVA updates will support by local NEC. If systems are operating on the SATCOM CSS VSAT network, unit SASMO is responsible for all updates on the workstations.
How do we get IAVA patches and updated software (SAP GUI and S-Tunnel) for the GCSS-Army laptops / tablets?
Systems operating on the local domain network will receive updates from NEC; Systems operating on the CSS SATCOM network, the supporting SASMO must check the S4IF website periodically for the latest approved updates.
Can I ghost or clone the baseline?
No, GCSS-Army workstations and HHTs must be imaged using the “GCSS-Army Computer Re-imaging Instructions” found at:
For Wave 1, what type of computers will be used for GCSS-Army? Will we be issued computers and/or will we also be able to access it on our desktops since it is web-based?
GCSS-Army will reimage the current SARSS workstations for use with GCSS-Army. We will provide a laptop workstation in place of the SARSS server. You will also receive Hand Held Tablets (HHT). To access GCSS-Army from existing desktop hardware, S-Tunnel and SAPGUI must be installed. The two applications can be downloaded on AKO or the GCSS-Army website. AKO: GCSS-Army:
For Wave 1, what is the disposition guidance on the Intermec bar code scanner and the current legacy SARSS server?
Units must contact the office of the Product Director, Logistics Information Systems (PD-LIS) for disposition instruction on old Intermec bar code scanner and the SARSS Server.
During Wave 1 Fielding, when do we receive the GCSS-Army hardware equipment?
GCSS-Army hardware (1 laptop, HHTs, and Tethered Barcode Scanners) is shipped at D-45.
For Wave 1, do the Lexmark Printers (E462DTN / MS510DN) need to be on the network?
We strongly recommend having the printers added to the network to provide the capability to print wirelessly from the Hand Held Tablets (HHTs).
For Wave 1, how many Hand Held Tablets (HHTs) does our Routing Identifier Code (RIC) receive from PM GCSS-Army?
The quantity of Hand Held Tablets (HHT) fielded to each unit is based on the Basis of Issue Plan (BOIP) with a maximum of five tablets per RIC for Active Army and U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) units. For Army National Guard (ARNG) units, PM GCSS-Army is following the National Guard Bureau (NGB) guidance of issuing two HHT per RIC.
During Wave 1, PM GCSS-Army is fielding Aruba devices to our RIC. After initial fielding, who is responsible for the support of these devices?
After initial fielding (installation and configuration) the gaining unit is responsible for the operational maintenance of the Aruba hardware.
For Wave 2, how will my units’ PBUSE/SAMS-E systems transition to GCSS-Army?
If your systems are operating on the local NEC network, SASMO will coordinate with the NEC to ensure the systems are operating with the latest image to include SAP GUI and S-Tunnel software. Systems that are operating on the CSS SATCOM network (CSS VSAT), PM Systems Engineers (SE) will be responsible for reimage those laptops during Blackout timeframe. SASMOs will be responsible for all the logistic coordination of getting the laptops to PM SE for imaging.
For Wave 2, I have a SAMS-1E system, a PBUSE system and a regular computer I use for administrative duties. Can I just use my regular computer to perform all GCSS-Army functions?
Yes. As long as your Admin computer is loaded with the required software: SAP GUI and S-Tunnel will need to be installed in order to access the GCSS-Army Portal.
For Wave 2, what configurations should be prepared if using the CAISI for wireless with the Hand Held Tablets (HHT)?
When utilizing the CAISI, using the Juniper gateway is required IAW with the CAISI ATO and it provides the capability to expand the local network. Then connecting the CBM to the Juniper will provide the wireless capability to support the HHTs.
For Wave 2, will the PM be providing any wireless solution?
The PM will not provide any wireless solution for Wave 2. Units can leverage any current wireless infrastructure if available and required.
During Wave 2, what tablet is being fielded with GCSS-Army? What units will receive that equipment and quantity?
Units will be issued the tethered scanner and Panasonic M1 tablet with a built in CAC reader. Based on units’ current authorization, every one authorized SAMS-1E V1, SAMS-1E V2, and PBUSE V1 systems will receive one tablet and tethered scanner.
For Wave 2 Fielding, will we need to have more LAN drops added to our maintenance or supply room facilities to support GCSS-Army?
Yes. HHT docking stations will need network drops to provide NEC patching and updates.
What is the warranty period on the HHT/barcode scanner issued during Wave 2 Fielding?
3 years from the time PM received the hardware equipment.
For Wave 2, can the PBUSE AIT devices be re-used for GCSS-ARMY?
The PBUSE AIT hardware is not compatible to support GCSS-Army. Unit will receive AIT disposition instructions from the office of the Product Director, Logistics Information Systems (PD-LIS)
Can the tablet issued during Wave 2 fielding read PBUSE AIT labels already created?
During Wave 2 Fielding, when do the maintenance systems get imaged?
All systems that need to be imaged will be done at Blackout period of conversion. (Approximately D-7 to D+7)
What media type is required for the GCSS-Army image after fielding is complete?
USB or Blue Ray.
Can I access the GCSS-Army system from my home computer as long as I have a CAC reader and install the necessary software (SAP GUI and Stunnel)?
You cannot access GCSS-Army from a home network without a government computer with VPN. In order to access the GCSS-Army system, you must have either a .mil network connection or VPN capability to a .mil network.
Why don't I have the GCSS-Army logon on my desktop?
SASMO or IT support should have made the user a shortcut when the system was set-up. Take the user through the steps to make a shortcut.
Can users create more than one start transaction to their most used transaction?
No, if the user wants another T-Code as their start transaction, they will need to follow the steps in the transaction guide.
Why does my system say that a process is "locked" by me when my system timed out?
Users need to follow the instructions for logging off properly (users didn't understand that when they don't properly logoff it has an impact on other sessions; even if the session "times out" they should logoff when away from the system and log back on when they return.
Can users create a group in GCSS-Army?
No, that functionality is not available in GCSS-Army.
Can users send a message to multiple users in SBWP?
Yes, users have the capability to send messages to multiple users in GCSS-Army.
Can you send attachments via SBWP?



I have been assigned as an Access Administrator for GCSS-Army and have been told I will receive training during the fielding process. Is there any training I can take beforehand to familiarize myself with this new position?
Yes, you can take both Decentralized User Administration (DUA) Parts 1 and 2 as web based training. This training can be accessed on the GCSS-Army website under Administrative Functions at In addition, the DUA Quick Reference Guide is intended to assist new AAs in completing common DUA Transactions
I am an Access Administrator and I’m trying correct errors in a Personnel Master Data record. Where can I get help?
The GCSS-Army Job Aid (Correct Personnel Master Data Errors) can assist you in correcting fields that contain mistakes or omissions, especially those that are due to errors during the on-boarding process.
I am an Access Administrator and I’m having trouble onboarding a Local National. How can I get help?
It has been identified that some Local Nationals have CACs (Common Access Cards) and others have Level 2 Tokens. There are also instances in which Local Nationals will have a FIN (Foreign Identification Number) and some will not have a FIN. Guidance on the various methods to on-board Local Nationals are in Training Bulletin 000334.
I am an Access Administrator in the National Guard or Army Reserve. How can I assign MilTech personnel to more than one position?
You will need to create Dual Persona Assignment from the GCSS-Army Assignment Maintenance Workbench (ZAMW). This action results in an additional position assignment, a new user I.D., a new user account (if applicable), and a reference personnel number linking the multiple assignments. The CAC Log-on process will present the user with a selection screen of role assignments currently available for GCSS-Army access. For assistance with creating a dual persona assignment, see Training Bulletin 000264.
I am trying to get access to GCSS-Army and I don’t know my Access Administrator (AA)! Who can I contact if I can’t find the name of my unit AA?
You will need to contact the GCSS-Army Help Desk and provide your UIC. The Help Desk will research your unit structure to determine who your AA is.
What does the Position Template (POS) B290 code stand for?
A B290 is a special security relationship that is given to a position which allows access to support other organizations. To identify this relationship, insert the UIC which the position requires access to. By inputting the 4 character UIC this allows the user in the designated activity/position to perform transactions against every UIC within it's hierarchy by identifying the first 4 characters of the Parent Header UIC. If you only need access to a particular UIC and not subordinate UICs then list the 6 character.
What does the Position Template (POS) ZA1 code stand for?
A ZA1 is a special security relationship which allows an AA to on-board outside their specific activity/position into all activity/positions listed under that specific UIC. This is often seen in USARPAK, USARC, and the National Guard. To identify this relationship, insert the UICs that the AA requires the ability to onboard into. If the Access Administrator for the designated activity/position requires the ability to manage personnel within subordinate UICs; they would list the 4 character UICs with an asterisks "*".
What does the Position Template (POS) ZA3 code stand for?
A ZA3 is a special security relationship built into an AA position which will allow the AA to onboard outside their normal scope of operations. To identify this, insert the activity/position that the AA requires the ability to on-board. If the Access Administrator for the designated activity/position requires the ability to manage personnel within subordinate UICs; they would list the 4 character UICs with an asterisks "*". Example: A PBO would have a ZA3 to perform DUA activities for subordinate level Unit Supply positions, they would list SUP/ALL - WAC0*.
Can I hold 2 Access Administrator positions under two different business areas?
No, you cannot hold a primary AA position and be subbed into another AA position. When you are subbed into an AA position you do not gain the access administrator functionality. You have to hold the primary AA position and have a ZA3 to the other business area the AA needs to manage.
Can an operator be on-boarded without a CAC card (i.e. mechanic/driver) to track man hours, issue dispatches, etc.?
Yes, the AA will follow the guidelines that are in the End User Manual in order to put the operators in the bucket position in order for their hours to be tracked.
Why am I getting the SAP NetWeaver screen?
Either you are not in a position with correct roles or your account has been inactive for 35 days and you have been locked out of the system.
How do I get my GCSS-Army account unlocked?
Contact your AA in order to have your account unlocked. If your AA can’t unlock your account, you will need to submit a Help Desk Ticket (HDT).
I logged into GCSS-Army and pulled reports every week but I am still locked out of GCSS-Army.
Only logging into GCSS-Army or pulling does not count as active time within the solution. You have to login to GCSS-Army and execute a transaction code (T-Code) in order to maintain an active status in GCSS-Army.
I am an AA who tried to unlock one of my users and I am unable to unlock their account.
If a user has been inactive in GCSS-Army for years they are locked at a higher level by the system and the Help Desk will have to assist you in getting your accounts unlocked.
How do I get access to GCSS-Army?
Your Access Administrator can send you the link to self-register into GCSS-Army if you are not currently in GCSS-Army in a bucket position. Then your AA can transfer you into an actual position
I cannot work against a particular Storage Location (SLoc). I am getting a "not authorized" error.
A (B290 will be need be added to that position in order to give that business area access to that particular Sloc
I am the PBO AA and cannot place my Soldier in the Supply position for a UIC outside of my own.
The PBO AA position will need ZA3 the requested UIC in order for the AA to manage positions outside of their own business areas.
I need to be the AA for the Maintenance and Master Driver business areas?
If you have not been fielded on your position template in the ZA3 for MNT/ALL you input DRV/ALL in the ZA3 column. If you are already live in GCSS-Army, you would input a HDT requesting a ZA3 from the MNT AA position to the DRV/ALL positions.
I cannot transfer a user into a position under my structure.
The user is in a withdrawn status and needs to be rehired into a position instead of transferred.
I have a contractor that works for me in the warehouse who also performs Drill Duty on the weekend for his National Guard unit. Should I sub him into his NG unit so that he can perform his job functionality on the weekends?
No. The individual should be on-boarded into their primary, contractor position. Then, the AA should create a dual persona assignment for his/her drilling assignment.
When do I need to self-register in GCSS-Army?
Self-registration will only be available for unit upon notification by the Chief of Installation (COI) during the fielding process that your unit structure has been built in GCSS-Army. Do not self-register prior to the notification. If you do, it will result in an error because you are attempting to self-register against a structure that is not built yet within GCSS-Army.
How do I navigate to the HR Self Registration Form?
Use the link provided by your Access Administrator to navigate to the HR Self Registration Form.
I am trying to self-register. Is there any documentation that can help me through the process?
Yes, the GCSS-Army Self-Registration Job Aid, provides step-by-step instructions through registration, confirmation and submission.
I am trying to self-register and I get an error message stating that Personnel Number XXXXX already exists in GCSS-Army with EDIPI XXXXX. What does this mean?
This means that you have already been registered in GCSS-Army. It is recommended that you record the Personnel Number provided and see your Access Administrator to ensure your personal master data has been entered correctly.
I am getting an error message while trying to self-register into GCSS-Army
You could be using an invalid UIC, you may have a space before the phone number, and dashes cannot be used in the phone number.


User Manual