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Alexander B. Raulerson Appointed to Senior Executive Service in the Army G-4
By Deputy Chief of Staff, G-4, Logistics Initiative Group

Washington D.C. -- Alexander B. Raulerson, a 38 year Army veteran, was appointed today to the Senior Executive Service in a ceremony at the Pentagon's Hall of Heroes. He will serve as the Director of the Army G-4's Corporate Information Office, overseeing information technology policy for all Army Logisticians.


Ms. Kathleen S. Miller, Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, G-4, presents the Senior Executive Service plaque to Mr. Alexander B. Raulerson, the Army G-4's new Director of Corporate Information Office at a ceremony on October 8, 2014 in the Pentagon's Hall of Heroes.

Ms. Kathleen Miller, Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, G-4, who hosted the ceremony, said: "Alex is a very experienced leader, totally committed to the mission and to Soldiers. In his new role, Alex will continue our very successful fielding of GCSS-Army, the Army's new logistics information system. While we are halfway through the fielding of Wave I, the toughest part, fielding Wave II, is yet to come.

"Alex also will help us determine where our Enterprise Resource Planning system will be hosted, as well as how the Army can better manage our business processes. His logistics experience, along with his systems perspective, will be absolutely invaluable."

For the last six years, Raulerson has worked at Army Materiel Command as a government civilian; prior to that he served 32 years in an Army uniform, retiring in 2008 as a Colonel. In the last decade he has deployed 14 times to Southwest Asia, many as a civilian. He returned in August from Afghanistan where he led a team of multinational military, U.S. civilian, and contractors who mentored the Afghan National Security Forces on logistics processes. He also served as AMC's Deputy for Systems Integration, G3/4, where he was the principle advisor for optimizing and standardizing business processes.

"I am eager to add my contributions towards the challenges we face as a consequence of a dozen years of war, the myriad of activities associated with modernization of the tool suites to better manage our businesses, and the work necessary to harvest the payoffs as a result of the investment made by the people we serve," Raulerson said.

Raulerson enlisted in the Army in 1976 and seven years later, in 1983, was selected to attend Officer's Candidate School. He served in Desert Shield and Storm; he served four tours in Korea; he deployed to Iraq early in the war; and he was the Commander at Anniston Depot, overseeing a $1.4 billion budget and 7,000 military, civilian, and contractor personnel.

Raulerson said: "The Army is all about being on a team with the contribution of the individual combined with others to achieve outcomes no one person could attain alone. The Army lays that foundation regardless whether you are a uniform member or a civilian."

The Senior Executive Services, established in 1978, consists of 7,900 of the government's top civilian leaders. These executives are charged with leading the continuing transformation of government. The Army has 277 members of the Senior Executive Services corps.

This article was published on Oct 8, 2014 on the U.S. Army Homepage.

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