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New Project Manager for the Army Enterprise Systems
Integration Program Kicks Off Quarterly Newsletter

Colonel Harry Culclasure Project Manager AESIP

As one of my first efforts as the Project Manager Army Enterprise Systems Integration Program (PM AESIP), I have worked with my new team to create this newsletter - the AESIP Integrator. Each quarter, the Integrator will showcase various efforts and activities in and around PM AESIP, and will share news and updates about the hard work done every day by our programs, constituents, stakeholders, customers, and partners. Our goal is to educate and inform readers about AESIP’s mission, reach, and accomplishments, as well as how the work we do fits into the larger Army Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) mission, and why that’s important to everyone’s success.

As I’m getting to know my new team, I’m excited by what I see. A team ready to take on challenges. A team ready to learn and grow. And a team ready to support anything leadership throws at them with professionalism and drive. I can already tell I’m going to enjoy my time working with all of you!

Click to read the first issue:

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