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Glasses and Contacts

Active Duty Service Members and ActivatedCalled or ordered to active duty service for more than 30 days in a row. Guard/Reserve Members

You can get glasses from the optometry clinic at your military hospital or clinic.

  • One standard issue pair of glasses
  • One standard issue pair of sunglasses
  • One pair of glasses of your choice. You can choose from many frames and colors

If you don’t live near a military hospital or clinic, you can order your glasses from the Navy Ophthalmic Support Training Activity Command.

Non-Activated Guard/Reserve Members

Your unit will order your glasses from the Navy Ophthalmic Support Training Activity Command.

  • If you get called to active duty, you’ll get glasses like an active duty service member. See above.

Retired Service Members

You can order glasses from the Navy Ophthalmic Support Training Activity Command. You can find ordering instructions and options on their website.

All Other Beneficiaries

TRICARE only covers glasses and contacts to treat certain conditions. This includes:

  • Infantile glaucoma
  • Corneal or scleral lenses for treatment of keratoconus
  • Scleral lenses to retain moisture when normal tearing is not present or is inadequate
  • Corneal or scleral lenses to reduce corneal irregularities other than astigmatism
  • Intraocular lenses, contact lenses, or glasses for loss of human lens function resulting from intraocular surgery, ocular injury or congenital absence
  • "Pinhole" glasses prescribed for use after surgery for detached retina

TRICARE doesn't cover adjustments, cleaning, and repairs for glasses.

Last Updated 1/21/2016

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