Army Reserve Family Programs. Connecting soldiers, families, and communities. Call Fort Family for 24/7 Assistance toll-free at 1-866-345-8248. Link to Fort Family Email Form
Army Reserve Family Programs. Connecting soldiers, families, and communities. Call Fort Family for 24/7 Assistance toll-free at 866-345-8248.

Call Fort Family for 24/7 Assistance at 1-866-345-8248, or click here.

  • News, Events & Resources
  • 80th Training Command Emphasizes Ready, Resilient Soldiers and Families
    • By Maj. Addie Randolph, September 22, 2016
      Maj. Gen. A.C. Roper, commander of the 80th Training Command, has recognized that family separation is one of the unique challenges that comes with being a Soldier. To combat this issue, Roper has made developing ready and resilient Soldiers, as well as their families, one of his top five priorities. Read More

  • STAND-TO! FOCUS: Suicide Prevention Month
    • Edition: Tuesday, September 6, 2016
      What is it? Suicide Prevention is a 365-days-a-year effort and a top priority for Army senior leaders. The Army is taking a comprehensive and holistic approach to strengthening its people and mitigating risk. Read More

  • STAND-TO! FOCUS: Army Reserve Family Programs
    • Edition: Thursday, July 21, 2016
      What is it? Army Reserve Family Programs (ARFP) is focused on enhancing the readiness and resilience of Army Reserve Soldiers, family members, command teams and civilians. ARFP responds, connects, refers and provides resources in the communities of the geographically dispersed Army Reserve family, including those called to active duty. Read More

  • Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness
    • Do you have children in high school or beginning college in the Fort Bragg, NC area? Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness is offering Performance and Resilience courses for students to enhance study skills and increase resiliency during the transition from high school to college. HP&R Flyer CP&R Flyer

  • The Importance of Financial Readiness
    • Recently, Lt. Gen. Jeffrey W. Talley, Chief of the U.S. Army Reserve, joined financial expert & motivational speaker, Ms. Suze Orman for an in-depth discussion on the importance of financial readiness. During the on-camera discussion, Orman answered several questions provided by Soldiers and Family members through social media. Please share this important advice with your Soldiers, Civilians, and Family members to help build fiscal readiness and resilience. Video

  • Saving with the New Blended Retirement System
    • The Fiscal Year 2016 National Defense Authorization Act provides our military force with a modernized retirement plan built for retirement savings. Beginning in 2018, our service members can get automatic and matching Thrift Savings Plan contributions as well as mid-career compensation incentives in addition to monthly annuities for life. All service members under the current system are grandfathered into today’s retirement system. Download Flyer

  • Guard and Reserve Newsletter
    • The first quarter of the Guard and Reserve Newsletter is now available for download.  The Guard and Reserve Support Network is a Department of Defense partnership of programs supporting the needs of the National Guard and Reserve community. View Newsletter

  • My Training Hub: Financial Readiness Courses Fact Sheet
    • Financial fitness is right at your fingertips with new training for service members and their Families. My Training Hub is the Department of Defenseís new consolidated, online training platform. It brings learning to life in a convenient online setting that services the entire military community. This platform was created by professionals with the highest standards in training and technology, and responds to different learning preferences, tracks learners’ participation and evaluates training outcomes. Info

  • Latest Issue of Double Eagle Magazine
  • Apps for Download
  • Request Your Soldier's Life Cycle Kit
    • Army Reserve Family Programs is here for you throughout the Soldier's Life Cycle. Putting Family first, then balancing between a civilian job and Army Reserve life is hard work. Let Army Reserve Family Programs (ARFP) help you make that balance easier. Get connected by requesting your Life Cycle Kit.

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Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program

  • Fort Family

    Have you found a shelter in your area? We can help connect you to resources. Let us do the research while you grab your belongings. Call the Fort Family Outreach and Support Services Center at 866-345-8248!


    ADPAAS is the Army Disaster Personnel Accountability and Assessment System used to account for personnel and their dependents. All personnel and dependents will self-account using ADPAAS by logging on to the Army Disaster Personnel Accountability and Assessment System

  • BRS

    Plan to attend these informative events: Blended Retirement Twitter Chat (join using #BlendedRetirement), #BlendedRetirement Webinar for Reserve Component (register here), and #BlendedRetirement Facebook Q and A.

  • FEMA Flooding Information

    Click here for updated FEMA information on the Louisiana flooding.

  • Zika

    Find out the correct information about the Zika virus: How it's spread, symptoms, prevention and more.

AFAP: Making a Difference in the U.S. Army Reserve Community

Story by Contributing Writer, Army Reserve Family Programs

“Army Reserve constituents continue to be instrumental in fueling the AFAP process to bring about change,” stated Barbara Giddens, AFAP Liaison for Army Reserve Family Programs (ARFP). “Their creative input, ideas, and recommendations help bring about changes in Army programs, policies and services, one issue at a time."

Most issues are resolved at the unit level. In fact, a steady average of 90% of AFAP submissions are never elevated for review into the Army AFAP process because the commanders were able to effectively address the concerns. However, some need a high-level Army review and enter the AFAP process.

Since the programís inception in 1983, more than 75 percent of the almost 700 issues entered into Army AFAP have been resolved in policy, legislation, program or service changes that impacted the total Army community. For example, one key improvement that the AFAP process delivered to the Army Reserve community is unlimited access to the commissary and Post Exchange. Prior to that, military identification cards limited users to a set number of visits per year. However, someone took matters to their unit and submitted an AFAP Issue Form that prompted senior leaders to reevaluate this policy.

"You could be the one who submits an issue that makes the Army Reserve and Army a better place to work and live," said Giddens. "Other benefits the Army Reserve community has received through AFAP include policy changes that led to the approval of tax credits for employers of Reserve Soldiers on extended active duty; the issuance of identity cards to Family members of Reserve Soldiers for the entirety of their service; and the institution of full-time medical case managers for Reserve Soldiers." All of the examples of AFAP-inspired change impacted the lives of many, but may have started with the voice of only one.

Bottom-Up Results

The AFAP process has evolved over its 33-year history into a two-stage process. The first process involves the submission of new issues into the AFAP, while a parallel process works to resolve existing, active issues at the Army level.

AFAP starts at the unit level, where members of the Army Reserve community submit a quality-of-life concern by completing an AFAP Issue Form.

"The value of the AFAP process starting at the grassroots level gives the commander insight into what is going on in the community and the opportunity to respond," said Giddens.

If the command receives an issue that needs to be addressed by Army, they will elevate the issue through the AFAP process. If the issue is prioritized as one of the quality of life issues, it will enter the AFAP process and worked to resolution through the AFAP General Officer Steering Committee (GOSC), chaired by the Vice Chief of Staff of the Army.

"It is not always a fast process, but there are significant results and changes that can, have, and will continue to come from AFAP," said Paulla Conant, ARFP Soldier Support Division Chief. "It is the place to let your voice be heard and initiate change in an ever-evolving Army community."

AFAP remains the primary tool to communicate the important issues facing the Army community today. It is also the only partnership of its kind between a U.S. military branch and its constituents. This reinforces the commitment the Army senior leadership has in keeping the changing needs of Soldiers, Families, Survivors, retirees, and Civilians at the forefront of its efforts.

"You can make a difference - one issue at a time!" said Giddens.

The Zika Virus: What We Know

  • Zika is spread mostly by the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito (Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus). These mosquitos are aggressive daytime biters. They can also bite at night.
  • Zika can be passed from a pregnant woman to her fetus. Infection during pregnancy can cause certain birth defects.
  • There is no vaccine or medicine for Zika.

For more information, visit, or download the following pdfs:
Zika Fact Sheet (English)
Zika Fact Sheet (Spanish)
Mosquito Control (English)
Mosquito Control (Spanish)