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Blog Brigade Wants YOU to be a Guest Blogger!

 Posted by on January 22, 2013 at 07:00
Jan 222013

Our guest bloggers have really rocked it so far! Thank you for your wonderful submissions. Many of you have expressed interest in blogging for us, and we want you to know we hear you! We’ve made some changes to our blogger requirements and guidelines.

In the past, the Blog Brigade has only accepted guest bloggers with a personal blog or portfolio website to share. We are excited to announce that submissions are now open to ALL military spouses with a story to tell! No blog? No problem. Not a writer? No problem! We look forward to working with you to make sure your story is shared with other military spouses around the world!

What should I write about?

We provide suggested topic areas throughout the month based on an overall monthly theme. These topics are helpful suggestions for those writers who prefer a little more direction, or for when we want to hear from you on specific issues. Blog Call topics are suggestions, not requirements. Milspouses are free to write about any topic related to the theme of the month. Look for the monthly themes at the top of our Blog Call page or in the top right column of our blog.

How do I ensure my blog is considered?

Share a powerful story: good or bad. Every military spouse has a unique perspective on life in the military. Our stories are emotional. They can be uplifting, comedic, heartfelt, disappointing and anything in between. To truly reflect a “boots on the ground” perspective and to ensure the Blog Brigade remains a place where milspouses are free to talk about all aspects of military life, we want to hear the good and the bad.

Adhere to our blogger guidelines. Yes, we have adjusted the blogger requirements, however, we still have requirements that writers must adhere to when writing for Blog Brigade.

What if I’m not a writer?

We can help you get the words out. We are looking for posts that are well-written, but we also understand that not all milspouses are writers. That doesn’t make their stories any less important. The Blog Brigade staff will work with you on your post to ensure your story is told in a way that meets our blogger guidelines without losing your “voice.”

What blog submissions will not be considered?

Blogs posts from organizations. We do not accept blog posts from organizations, but we have opened up the Blog Brigade to all military spouses.

Self-promotional blogs. We recognize that as talented military spouses, you are eager to share success stories about blogs you’ve started, businesses you own or are a part of, or other ventures in which you are involved. Your stories can be very inspirational! However, rather than focusing on the ventures themselves, we encourage you to share the intangible benefits of your successes. What hurdles did you overcome to get where you are? How have these ventures empowered you? How can you inspire others to be successful? Keep the emphasis on your personal journey, rather than on the ventures themselves.

Blogs that include statistics. We understand that statistics can be powerful, but they are also hard to verify. We encourage you to find other ways to illustrate your point.

Blogs that include brand names. References to brand names will not be accepted. Include generic references like “cola” or “mobile device” versus “Coke” or “iPhone.”

Blogs that violate social media guidelines. We want you to write in your own voice! Each blogger provides a unique perspective that can enrich the lives of other milspouses. The Office of Military Community Outreach, Military Community and Family Policy’s (MC&FP) has established some basic guidelines that every voice must follow. Be mindful that the Blog Brigade will not accept blogs that violate the social media guidelines found on the Blog Call page.

We are excited that the Blog Brigade continues to give military spouses a “boots on the ground perspective” of military life! Keep sending us your submissions and providing your feedback as we expand this new Blog Brigade adventure! Your unique perspectives could change lives in our community, one post at a time. Happy writing from the Military OneSource Blog Brigade!

  One Response to “Blog Brigade Wants YOU to be a Guest Blogger!”

  1. I think that is awesome. I know that I personal have many stories to tell. I would love to have the opportunity to share them. I look forward to the blog’s.

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