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The Washington Post
Campaign 2016
If Republicans retain control of the House, Hillary Clinton could be the first president since George H.W. Bush to immediately face a House Oversight Committee controlled by the opposition party.
At the grand opening of his D.C. hotel, the GOP candidate congratulated the former House speaker for his tussle with Kelly over Fox News' coverage of Trump's sex assault allegations.
While the economy's gains may help Hillary Clinton rebuff Donald Trump’s frequent attacks on the state of the nation and the Obama administration’s record, she would face a series of minefields if she wins. As would Trump, if he pulls off a victory.
Jose Wesley Campos, who was born with microcephaly, cries during a physical therapy session in Recife, Brazil. (AP)
Jose Wesley Campos, who was born with microcephaly, cries during a physical therapy session in Recife, Brazil. (AP)
The epidemic has not produced the wave of fetal deformities so widely feared, so now the hunt is on for the mysterious “accomplice” that made the virus so deadly in Brazil.
U.S. officials said they sought access to the air base in Tunisia to close a critical “blind spot” in North Africa, which has become Islamic State’s largest base of operations outside Syria and Iraq.
Researchers say DNA evidence shows that HIV was circulating within U.S. borders long before Patient Zero became infected.
Ashton Carter announced a number of steps to resolve the cases of thousands of soldiers who collectively received millions of dollars in bonuses at the height of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Each year, the U.N. General Assembly votes overwhelmingly to urge the United States to end its economic embargo of the island.
Analysts say there's a possibility that this month's two failed launches were ICBM prototypes.
Campaign 2016
A focus group in Charlotte showed that these late deciders know quite a lot about both candidates. They’ve concluded that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are each deeply flawed, and they’re trying to pick the one they perceive as the lesser of two evils
Immigration officials detained Sharbat Gula on charges that she possessed a fake Pakistani national identification card. She's one of at least 1.5 million Afghan refugees who reside in Pakistan.
Eight years after it was established it has succeeded in prosecuting senior executives of small- to mid-sized banks, but it has failed to do the same to the CEOs of large Wall Street firms.
Prosecutors said the student, who is being held without bail on 30 counts related to the assaults, may have been sexually assaulting women since March 2015 and kept a notebook with lists of women and what he'd like to do with them.
Washington Post food critic Tom Sietsema entertains your dining questions, rants and raves.