Child and Youth Camps Request

If you need Military OneSource materials only, please visit Military OneSource Product Page. Not sure what materials are offered? Find out what is available.

This form is to request support for confidential non-medical counseling and personal financial services for Children and Youth Camps.
Due to the unique challenges faced by military families, the Department of Defense offers private and confidential non-medical counseling and financial services to military service members, military families, and military family service member's children in Child and Youth Programs (CYP). Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Schools, Local Education Agencies (LEA), DoDEA CYP summer programs, National Military Family Association Operation Purple Camps, Guard/Reserve Camps, and Operation Military Kids Camps.
The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) is the only office authorized to make changes to resource requests. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that all changes - especially address changes, date changes, and cancellations - are communicated through the OSD Non-Medical Counseling Office.

Camp Information

* = required

Event Type

Services Requested

Military Community & Family Policy (MC&FP) provides various confidential non-medical or financial counseling services. Please review the list of services below and select the services that will be appropriate for your event type. Then select when these services will be needed.

Select each Confidential Non-Medical Counseling and Personal Financial Services for the Camp.

Child & Youth Behavioral Military & Family Life Non-Medical Counselor

Military OneSource Materials are only selectable when one of the other resource types are selected. If your intent is to request for Military OneSource Materials only, please visit the Military OneSource Product Page via the link provided at the top of the request form.

Personal Financial Counselor

Military OneSource Materials are only selectable when one of the other resource types are selected. If your intent is to request for Military OneSource Materials only, please visit the Military OneSource Product Page via the link provided at the top of the request form.

Description of Services Needed

Additional Relevant Information

Camp Details

Military Community & Family Policy (MC&FP) provides various confidential non-medical counseling and informational resources for unit events. Please indicate the accomodations and any special requirements the counselors should be prepared for.

Special Requirements for Military and Family Life Counselor

(e.g., Camp location is remote, there will be hiking/physical activities, sleeping in tents, etc.)

Additional Notes or Comments

(Please include the anticipated role of the Military and Family Life Counselor, any specific requests, any participant special circumstances, etc.)

Event Information

Attendance estimates for the Camp will help us determine how many counselors will be needed. We understand that as the event draws closer, attendance estimates may change. Please fill out the information as best as you can foresee at this time.

Event Attendance

Attendance Estimates

Please identify the approximate number of eligible ...

Event Location

Event Location

Please enter the event address. If it is not yet known, please indicate this, but know that it will be required at least 10 days prior to the event start date.

Point of Contact Information

The Point of Contact (POC) may be contacted often as we seek to understand your counseling needs for your event. The point of contact should be prepared to respond to phone calls and email promptly and accurately. It is also expected for the point of contact to keep us updated regularly with the latest event information.

Main Contact

Main Point of Contact

This should be the person to confirm event details.

Alternate Contact

Alternate Point of Contact

This should be the backup person to contact regarding the event.

Additional Relevant Info


I have provided all information requested and will ensure The Office of the Secretary of Defense is kept informed of all changes, updates (including location, event dates and number of attendees), and cancellations six days before the event.

The Office of the Secretary of Defense has the authority to disapprove support if requested information is not received 10 business days before the event.