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The Heritage Foundation
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  1. RecommendationsSee All
    • Mike-Sarah Minch
      8 hours ago
    • Jean Wallace Landry
      Call Your Senators right now....Guadalupe Peña Breaking: Reid seizes power today? The New York Times headline says it all. ---> "Bipartisan Filibuster Deal Is Taking Shape in the Senate." ... and it's been reported Reid may try to push through a vote TODAY.
      8 hours ago
    • Keith J. Kocher
      ** THIS JUST IN THE WTF DEPARTMENT ** It was just reported on Chicago ABC News Channel 7 (6pm news on 01/23/2013), that a teen was brought in to the Hospital for tonsillitis and to have them removed. When the parents were escorted out of the room to prepare the teen ager for surgery, the Doctor and staff asked this of him... “Do you take drugs? Do your parents take drugs? What kind of Drugs? Do they beat you?" "Do you have Guns in your house? How are they stored? Where in the house are they stored? Do you have free access to them? What kind are they?" All that before he could say "No." to the first question. Mind you this (from the video) showed a 15/16 year old young guy that looks like he is on an athletic team (going by the sweat jacket he was wearing) The Hospital responded that this has been policy since last year from one of the pediatric counsels that they follow to ask and to assess the living situation and environment of anyone under age. PROBLEM! This was done without the teen’s parents present. This was done where the hospital is acting like an interrogation facility first and foremost BEFORE the immediate health of the teen. Lastly, this is an invasion of privacy on issues unrelated to the tonsillitis! If this was a psych ward or the teen being admitted for a mental dis-order (as the mother said), then it might be warranted, but he was there to have his tonsils taken out. Lastly here is the problem; If this was a policy put in place over a year ago, to have Doctors ask kids about the parents gun situations, (away from the parents), does this not sound like the Obama Administration having to “Pilot Program” the current proposal to deputize Doctors to inquire about your gun situation?
      on Wednesday
    • John Giokaris
      Illinois is the Poster Child Of the Failures Of Progressive Policies:
      on Wednesday
  2. LikesSee All
  3. Harry Reid wants to silence the minority -- and essentially become a Majority Leader tyrant. We aren't okay with it -- are you? Please LIKE and read on.
  4. Today is the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Please SHARE.
    Photo: Today is the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Please SHARE.
  5. Please SHARE in honor of Martin Luther King Day:
    Photo: Please SHARE in honor of Martin Luther King Day:
  6. The politics of division and class warfare, the centerpiece of Obama’s campaign rhetoric, are the antithesis of King’s dream. LIKE if you agree!
  7. See the problem? Please SHARE.
    Photo: See the problem? Please SHARE.
  8. There is no simple solution to the problem of violence -- and there is no immediate antidote to the anguish of those who lost loved ones in Newtown. Please read on and share.
  9. Heritage President-Elect Jim DeMint appeared on "Morning Joe" this morning! Check out his appearance and let us know what you think in the comments!
  10. Sadly, under President Obama, Americans have been forced to fight for their religious liberty in the courts. Sick of the tirade against religious liberty? SHARE this post to send a message!
  11. The debt ceiling should NOT be raised without a BALANCED budget! LIKE if you agree!
  12. Talk is cheap, but the consequences of today’s massive deficit spending could be ruinous for future generations! SHARE if you don't want America's debt charged to your children and grandchildren!
  13. Why are we spending money on a program that doesn't work?
    Photo: Why are we spending money on a program that doesn't work?
  14. Taxpayers have spent more than $180 billion into Head Start -- yet it has been spent for little to no benefit to the children it was supposed to help! LIKE if you are sick of government wasting our money!
  15. The truth about the fiscal cliff. Will you SHARE?
    Photo: The truth about the fiscal cliff. Will you SHARE?
  16. The Top 10 Most Economically FREE Economies! The U.S. barely squeaked by again. Please SHARE this image if you believe in free enterprise!
    Photo: The Top 10 Most Economically FREE Economies! The U.S. barely squeaked by again. Please SHARE this image if you believe in free enterprise!
  17. JUST RELEASED: Since reaching a global peak in 2008, sadly, economic freedom around the world has continued to stagnate. Here's our analysis and where the world stands. Please SHARE!
  18. Chart of the Week: Government Spending Drives Debt Limit Higher! Please SHARE!
    Photo: Chart of the Week: Government Spending Drives Debt Limit Higher! Please SHARE!
  19. The nation’s governors, like the U.S. Congress, are figuring out that Obamacare is an unworkable monstrosity. LIKE if you never wanted it in the first place!
  20. Check out our latest video interview with Sen. Jim DeMint, Heritage's new President-Elect. Today, he shares his views on family, work and more! Click LIKE and watch!
  21. We like it. SHARE if you do too!
    Photo: We like it. SHARE if you do too!