National Institute of Corrections
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Corrections...The Next Frontier - NIC's 2016 Virtual Conference!
NIC News & Updates


Corrections...The Next Frontier

You need look no farther than your favorite episode of Star Trek to see how technologies that were once science fiction have become a reality today. The handheld medical device used by Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy to detect patient vital signs is called a Scanadu Scout in real life.

Now, while your local jurisdiction may never operate a Starship brig, there are other futuristic technologies on the horizon that some areas around the country are slowly beginning to adopt.  

In the next installment of NIC's virtual conference expert interviews, Mike Kingery of Outreach Smartphone Monitoring explains how a world where biometric tethers and sensors could become the new norm in corrections. And how today's smartphone especially could become as integral to offender monitoring and supervision as case managers themselves.

If you enjoy thinking about the future of corrections like we do, please invite a friend and join us for the NIC Virtual Conference 2016. With this year's theme focused on "Leading with Innovation," we've scheduled a full-day lineup of guest speakers and chats that cover some of the newest developments in the field.

To register, go to

If you know someone who could benefit from attending this virtual conference session, please forward this post and encourage them to register for Leading with Innovation, NIC's 2016 Virtual Conference at

What's in it for me?

So, whether you join the virtual conference on November 9th as an individual or as part of a larger group from your organization/agency, you will each receive the same valuable experience from online learning as you would have if you each had attended a training program in person. You can also receive training credit if you attend the entire conference! It's the epitome of doing more-and training more-with less.  Can't attend that day?  Register anyway!  All sessions will be recorded and available for later viewing.

The conference opens at 9:00am ET on November 9 and runs until 5:00pm ET. Please adjust your time zone location accordingly so you can participate live!

The NIC Virtual Conference has no registration fee, and there is no cost to attend. To reserve your seat, review the conference schedule and information on sessions and presenters, please visit us at

We look forward to your participation!

Posted Tue, Oct 18 2016 8:56 AM by Leslie LeMaster


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