Key Management


Key Management automates the functions of Communications Security (COMSEC) key management, control, and distribution; Electronic Protection generation and distribution; Signal Operating Instruction (SOI) management and Spectrum Management. Army Key Management. System (AKMS) provides planners and operators with the capability to deliver secure communications at both the theater/ tactical and strategic/sustaining base levels.


AKMS consists of 3 subcomponents: Local COMSEC Management Software (LCMS), Automated Communications Engineering Software (ACES) and Simple Key Loader (SKL). Under the umbrella of the National Security Agency (NSA), Electronic Key  Management System (EKMS), AKMS provides tactical units and sustaining bases with an organic key generation capability and an efficient, secure electronic key distribution means. AKMS provides a system for distribution of COMSEC, electronic protection and SOI information from the planning level to the point of use in support of current, interim and objective force at division and brigade levels.


  • LCMS: Automates COMSEC management/accounting; electronically  generates/distributes keys; and reduces hardcopy files use.
  • ACES: Provides Crypto network planning; generates SOI data/ creates COMSEC key tags; supports emerging requirements.
  • SKL: Loads keys into End Crypto Units (ECUs); small and ruggedized design allows easy key transfers; interface between LCMS/ ACES/ ECUs.
  • JTNT: Provides a joint tactical end-to-end NETOPS planning, configuring, monitoring and management toolset for communications systems, which includes those systems that report geographic/ geospatial position via K5.01 JVMF Position-Location Information (PLI).

Last Updated: August 13, 2015