Tactical Cyber and Network Operations


Tactical Cyber and Network Operations (TCNO) develops the Network Operations (NetOps) software needed to meet the Army's Network Convergence goals. NetOps provides the monitoring, control and planning tools to ensure management of the voice, data and internet transport networks. The TCNO program’s NetOps efforts will simplify and reduce the number of network management tools communication officers (G6s and S6s) use to manage the tactical communications network. TCNO leads the Army’s Tactical NetOps convergence efforts.

TCNO provides the fully integrated NetOps capability to allow seamless integration of tactical network planning, management, monitoring and defense for the Signal Staff. These NetOps improvements simplify the management of the network, and increase the automation of tools and reporting. The effort will also increase visibility across the network to make communications systems easier to install, operate, maintain and defend – key to supporting a leaner and more agile future force. These NetOps enhancements will be provided as a technical insertion to WIN-T Increments 1 and 2 for fielding and support in 2016.

TCNO also provides waveform management and modernization, with the new Highband Networking Waveform (HNW) version 3.0 for line-of-sight communications, and the Network Centric Waveform (NCW) version 10.x for increased throughput capability for beyond-line-of-sight satellite communications. The HNW 3.0 waveform will be deposited into the Joint Tactical Network Center (JTNC) Developmental Waveform Information repository in 2016. The NCW 10.x waveform will be provided as a technical insertion to WIN-T Increments 1 and 2 for fielding and support in 2016.


  • Joint Enterprise Network Manager (JENM)
  • Providing enhanced NetOps software packages that support NetOps Convergence activities across WIN-T and the Lower Tactical Internet to meet the Army’s convergence goals and Common Operating Environment (COE) interoperability
  • Advancements in the monitoring, control and planning tools to simplify management of emerging voice, data and internet transport networks as well as improved Information Assurance and Network Centric Enterprise Services
  • Inherent software modernization through recurring technical refresh within the WIN-T family of programs
  • Improved beyond line-of-sight satellite communications via next generation Multi-Frequency Time Division Multiple Access (MF-TDMA) Network Centric Waveform per-channel data rate increase for large terminals
  • Next generation line of sight Highband Networking Waveform version 3.0 available to other programs via the Joint Tactical Networking Center Information Repository.

Last Updated: July 27, 2016