Common Hardware Systems

Common Hardware Systems acquires and sustains highly flexible, cost effective, common, and simplified non-developmental Army Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) solutions that improve interoperability and connectivity on the battlefield while garnering efficient competition to enable the latest commercial technology solutions to be integrated onto the Army’s tactical network.


The CHS program office enables the Army’s Operating Force by providing a holistic approach to acquiring common hardware across the battle space, utilizing the most effective and efficient means to meet the unique fielding requirements of tactical program offices. CHS coordinates across tactical programs to provide consolidated procurement and sustainment of modified commercial off the shelf information technology (COTS IT) and to ensure configuration and obsolescence management. CHS also partners with industry to examine new and emerging technologies that meet the operational need. The CHS-4 contract provides a procurement mechanism to meet Army and DoD programs requirements for commercial IT supplies and services.


  • Streamlined Rapid Acquisition Process: CHS provides a “one-stop shop” consolidated, rapid acquisition capability for all requirements including engineering support, hardware and sustainment services.
  • Configuration Management
  • End of Life Management
  • Emerging Technology Coordination
  • Better Buying Power to meet requirements for common hardware platforms

Last Updated: February 1, 2016