Command Post Computing Environment

The Command Post Computing Environment (CP CE) is a common, scalable, integrated Mission Command architecture and infrastructure (hardware, services, applications) aligned with the Common Operating Environment (COE) that will produce improved interoperability, reduced costs and reduced development and deployment timelines.


The Army has approved a set of computing technologies and standards called the COE, enabling secure, interoperable and rapid application development across several defined computing environments.

The CP CE, one of several computing environments under the Army’s COE, is comprised of a partnership between multiple Project Managers with the goal to simplify hardware and software infrastructures for Command Posts from Battalion to Corps and Army level. CP CE will consolidate and simplify the separate capabilities commanders use for missions related to fires, logistics, intelligence, airspace management and maneuver into a single computing environment. This effort will provide the commander with a consolidated readiness picture on a singular workstation, lessen the logistics trail for the Warfighter, reduce the training burden and save taxpayer dollars.

The CP CE will enable the Army to develop and field applications or “apps” through a web-based marketplace for use by tactical and operational commanders. Using any government-authorized laptop connected to the appropriate classified network, commanders and staff can log into the web-based framework, called the Ozone widget framework, to access these apps. The apps provide the commander with three-dimensional views on a digitized map for operational and intelligence awareness for ground and air reporting, field artillery commands, logistics, alerts and incident reporting. This commonality will enable the commander not only to achieve a more complete and unified common operational picture on a single screen, but also to trace information back to its source to facilitate situational understanding and decision-making. CP CE will meet the commanders’ needs for collaborative planning and decentralized execution across all warfighting functions, enhancing their ability to make rapid adjustments according to the combat situation and act decisively to achieve their mission.

Last Updated: August 13, 2015