Monthly Archives: December 2012

Drought conditions worsen throughout Savannah River Basin and the nation

When it comes to drought, the Savannah River Basin is among the hardest-hit areas in the southeast region, but the nation as a whole is also reeling from rain deficits across the continent. Following are a few articles that underline … Continue reading

Posted in Drought in the News | Tagged , , , , , , , , , |

Used Christmas trees become fish habitat at Thurmond and Hartwell lakes

This holiday season, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is turning used Christmas trees into fish habitat at J. Strom Thurmond Lake and Hartwell Lake. The Corps will accept used, real Christmas trees (not artificial trees) for recycling Dec. 19 … Continue reading

Posted in Fish and Wildlife, Recreation | Tagged , , , , , |

Evapotranspiration: The Oft-Forgotten Outflow

The hardship of drought gives cause for legitimate concern for all stakeholders in the Savannah River Basin, up and downstream. Drought’s resulting lower lake levels draw sharp attention to the one subject to blame for our disappearing water: outflows. For … Continue reading

Posted in Water Management | Tagged , , , , , , , |

Corps answers Frequently Asked Questions from drought public workshops

Not only do droughts differ, questions about drought management differ. During a series of drought workshops held in McCormick and Anderson, S.C., in October, and during a meeting with the Lake Hartwell Association, new questions arose not previously addressed in Balancing the Basin. … Continue reading

Posted in Hydropower, Water Management, Water Quality/Water Supply | Tagged , , , , , , , |

Slides from drought public workshops available online

Col. Jeff M. Hall, commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District, hosted two public workshops to discuss water management and drought, Oct. 24 in McCormick, S.C., and Oct. 25 in Anderson, S.C. About 170 people attended the … Continue reading

Posted in Drought Response, Water Management | Tagged , , , , , , , |

Corps enhances conservation measures in light of dismal forecasts

Given the long-term and sustained drought in the Savannah River Basin, we are working with state agencies to get support on two deviations in our procedures that we think will help retain more water in the reservoirs. The two changes … Continue reading

Posted in Drought Response, Water Management | Tagged , , , , , , , , |