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US LEGAL NEWSRSS feed for JURIST - Paper Chase

ACLU files suit for information on automatic license plate readers

[JURIST] The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the ACLU of Massachusetts (ACLUM) [advocacy websites] on Tuesday filed suit [complaint, PDF; press release] to obtain records and information regarding the use of automatic license plate readers (ALPRs) by federal law enforcement and agencies. The suit was filed in the US... [full story]

Federal judge dismisses challenge to Florida early voting law amendment

[JURIST] A judge for the US District Court for the Middle District of Florida [official website] ruled [opinion, PDF] Monday that Florida does not have to provide 96 hours of early voting for the November elections. Under a 2004 version of the state's early voting statute, the early voting period.... [more]
Fifth Circuit finds Army Corps of Engineers not liable for Katrina damage
9:48 AM ET
Federal judge rejects challenge to Colorado ballot identification process
12:33 PM ET
Philadelphia resident sought in Germany Nazi probe: report
10:30 AM ET
Ninth Circuit dismisses Alaska village claim over greenhouse emissions
11:35 AM ET
ACLU: US government releases names of Guantanamo prisoners approved for transfer
2:01 PM ET
Apple seeks sales ban on Samsung products allegedly infringing on patents
10:57 AM ET

RSS feed for legal news
UN SG urges greater access for women to justice system
1:45 PM ET
France high court upholds oil company liability for 1999 spill
12:37 PM ET
Norway court opens first Rwandan genocide trial
11:24 AM ET
Mali Islamist groups recruiting child soldiers: HRW
10:48 AM ET
Kuwait Constitutional Court upholds controversial election law
9:01 AM ET
UN officials present document committing to rule of law
8:24 AM ET
Europe rights court approves extradition of terror suspects to US
7:03 AM ET
Egypt court upholds death sentences for 14 Islamists
3:55 PM ET
Israel ex-PM given suspended sentence, fine for breaching public trust
3:03 PM ET
Vietnam court jails bloggers for anti-state propaganda
1:33 PM ET

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OP-EDS RSS feed for JURIST - Forum

Restoring Rehabilitation to the American Juvenile Justice System
Perry Moriearty
University of Minnesota Law School

Guantanamo Detainees: The 'Other' Victims of 9/11
David Frakt
Barry University School of Law

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The Egyptian Revolution9/23
The Egyptian Revolution was one of the most prominent in a wave of protests that swept the Middle East beginning in early 2011. While many countries, including Bahrain, Yemen and Syria have experienced social reverberations that emanated from Tunisia's popular protests — a social movement ...." [more]


Scotland prosecutors ask Libya NTC for Lockerbie information

On September 26, 2011, Scottish prosecutors asked Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC) for assistance in tracking down those involved in the Lockerbie bombing. The Scottish Justice Secretary had released convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi in August 2009 due to his terminal cancer...." [more]
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 COMMENTSRSS feed for JURIST - Hotline
DOMA Fails Constitutional Muster Under Any Standard of Review8/20
JURIST Guest Columnist Mary L. Bonauto, Civil Rights Project Director at Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, says that the Defense of Marriage Act does not serve a legitimate government purpose and must be struck down by the courts...By the time of John Ferris' death ...." [more]
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I'm a Convention, Hear Me Roar9/24
JURIST Guest Columnist Eileen Ward, St. John's University School of Law Class of 2013, is the author of the fifth article in a 15-part series from the staffers of the Journal of Civil Rights and Economic Development. Ward offers insight about why the US should ...." [more]
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PRACTICE RSS feed for JURIST - Sidebar

Double Standards in American Trade Policy: Russia and China9/11
JURIST Guest Columnist Kambiz Behi of EnterInvest and JURIST Columnist Edsel Tupaz of Tupaz & Associates examine discrepancies in the treatment of the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation under US trade policy...On August 22, Russia formally acceded into the World Trade Organization ...." [more]
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