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San Francisco, CA
Đã tham gia tháng 2 năm 2009

@Flickr bị chặn

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  1. Tweet đã ghim

    Celebrate inspiring work from photographers around the world for !

  2. When darkness falls and the boats are finally docked, only then you can enjoy the of the .

  3. Night markets in Borneo? Sounds like a great Friday night to us!

  4. Gorilla brings in $200 million a year in however only 1000 mountain remain. RT!

  5. RT if you believe in justice for all people.

  6. 'Les Envoyés' by Laurent Bauby

  7. Check out how is using Flickr photos/data to track conservation efforts!

  8. It's taken 12 years, but just passed 75k photos favorited on . Quality of the photography amazing, I still have much to learn.

  9. I am approaching my 10 year Flickrversary in January. remains my photography home!

  10. Yep. Today is my 12th anniversary. I'm not moving my images anywhere.

  11. Rain is a perfect chance to practice some classic photo techniques!

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