Army South CG visits Panama, rewards efforts during BTH exercise

COLON, Panama - Maj. Gen. Frederick S. Rudesheim, U. S. Army South commanding general, visited Panama June 3-4 and took time to visit medical readiness training exercise sites and met with members of Task Force Panama. ... Full story

Salvadoran band member proud to serve country, keep JTF Jaguar staying motivated

SONSONATE, El Salvador - For Soldiers participating in Beyond the Horizon-El Salvador 2013, the sound of a bugle is often heard here. ... Full story

Defense & Fraternity | January – March 2013 Issue

The Official Magazine of U.S. Army South "Defense and Fraternity" January - March 2013 Issue Juntos Podemos! – Together We Can! ... Full story

U.S. Air Force pediatrician supports Army South’s humanitarian effort in El Salvador

A joint, multi-national effort providing free medical care to residents of El Salvador concluded here, April 26. ... Full story

Task Force Panama personnel train alongside security forces in Panama

COLON, Panama – A soldier assigned to Task Force Panama trained members of the National Air and Navy Service of Panama (SENAN) on individual and vehicle search techniques as part of Beyond The Horizon 2013 - Panama. ... Full story

Beyond the Horizon exercise begins in El Salvador

SONSONATE, El Salvador – After months of preparation, Joint Task Force Jaguar arrived in El Salvador along with more than 75 other servicemembers to finalize plans for the comprehensive joint exercise, Beyond the Horizon El Salvador 2013. ... Full story

Service members experience many firsts during Beyond the Horizon 2013 in Panama

COLON, Panama -- As the sun rises in Panama, service members line up for morning chow. As the line forms and grows longer, there is something noticeably different with many of the personnel; they are young, and they have never been out of the country before. ... Full story

'Redhorse' mission kicks off in Panama for Beyond the Horizon 2013

ESCOBAL, Panama – The sun beats down on the health center as the sound of pounding metal rings though the air. In the background, the rumble of heavy machinery indicates that this is a construction site. ... Full story

Army South works with Colombian army to plan future joint activities during staff talks

JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas (March 21) – In order to meet today's challenges and tomorrow's uncertain conflicts, the U.S. Army must continue to shape the environment by working closely with and engaging our partners while building partner nation capacity. ... Full story

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