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Patient Advocate

If you or your family has a concern or a complaint about the service provided at Kenner Army Health Clinic, share it with us. It is important that we address and try to resolve any issues as quickly as possible. You may notify KAHC of issues regarding your care in person, in writing or via e-mail. The Patient Advocate will assist you when you don't know where else to turn or you have problems with your medical care.
Any time you need assistance, feel free to call (804) 734-9512, visit the Patient Advocate's office in Room B102c or text your concerns to (804) 267-0338. You may also contact the commander directly and anonymously, if desired on the KAHC web page.

Kenner Army Health Clinic is committed to the Core!
Send your APLSS survey back to keep Kenner on track!

What does APLSS stand for?

Army Provider Level Satisfaction Survey, is a survey that is administered by the Office of the U.S. Army Surgeon General.
The survey focuses on issues ranging from how the provider communicated with the patient during the visit to questions regarding access to care, cleanliness of the facility, and courtesy of the staff.
Patients are randomly mailed a letter asking them to complete a brief questionnaire regarding their care at Kenner. There are three different ways a patient can fill out the questionnaire.
The first is by calling the toll-free number and a voice response system.
The second method is writing the answers and mailing the survey in the provided pre-addressed and stamped envelope.
The third method is an Internet based survey where the patients can log in with the username and a password provided in the letter sent to them about the survey.
The results of this survey are confidential and provide immediate feedback for the leadership of Kenner Army Health Clinic as well as the Office of the U.S. Army Surgeon General.

Why is the APLSS so important to the Kenner Army Health Clinic leadership?

First, all comments and concerns are always a top priority for every member of your Kenner Team.
We continuously strive to provide the best healthcare for our patients.
We are taking big steps every day to help improve our services that will provide the best patient care experience possible.
The MTF leadership cannot change that they do not know. When a patient fills out the APLSS survey, the scores are tabulated and reflect the actions of the Provider, other staff and the facility as a whole.
Completed surveys mean additional funding for Kenner that can be used to resource additional staff, and purchase the latest medical equipment.
So next time you get an APLSS letter in the mail, please take the time to fill out the survey.
The responses that you, the patient give to the Kenner Team helps all the patients at the clinic receive the best care possible.

Contact Information
Phone: 804-734-9512
Cell: 804-267-0338
Hours: Mon - Fri: 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.