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Office Symbol: ARSO-PO
Address: 4130 Stanley Road, Suite 700
Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234
Commercial Phone: (210) 295-6215/6572/6672/6912
DSN Phone: 421-6215/6572/6672/6912
Fax:  (210) 295-6563


Mission Statement:


U.S. Army South VB has full responsibility for the total spectrum of planning, programming, budgeting, execution and integration of the United States Army South Combined Joint Visitors Bureau and Command Protocol Program. Provides expert advice and guidance to subordinates on interpretation and formulation of financial estimates and the formulation of program and logistics requests to support the Joint Chiefs of Staff and US Army South Exercises and Military-to Military Programs. Serves as advisor and consultant to the Commanding General and Senior Staff on protocol matters. Provide technical, administrative, guidance and assistance to Directors, Special Staff, Subordinate Commands and Tenant Organizations to assist the commander in fulfilling mission requirements.