Tag Archives: flood risk management

Above average August rainfall keeps reservoirs steady

Rainfall in all three reservoir sub-basins exceeded normal in August. While no single event provided the basin with massive runoff, the steady and consistent small rain events kept the reservoirs at a relatively flat level. Leading the charge: Hartwell with … Continue reading

Posted in Rainfall Update, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Progress Report: Flood Storage Study results are near

Since our last progress report on the flood storage study published November 2014, we received a few inquiries on when the results would be released. In the above linked post we estimated the study would take approximately six more months … Continue reading

Posted in Declaration/Projection, Drought in the News, Flood Risk Management, Hydropower, Recreation, Studies, Water Management | Tagged , , , , , , , , , |

What to expect with this year’s winter drawdown and refill

If we were to use the current conditions of the Savannah River Basin as indicators, it would seem reasonable to conclude we are facing imminent drought.

Posted in Declaration/Projection, Drought in the News, Drought Response, Studies, Water Management, Water Quality/Water Supply | Tagged , , , , , , , , , |

Reservoirs maxed out: Flood storage captures excess rainfall

The rain event that occurred Sunday, April 19, caused both Hartwell and Thurmond to exceed the limits of conservation storage (almost simultaneously) as water levels rose into flood storage territory. As of this writing, Hartwell’s elevation has climbed more than … Continue reading

Posted in Flood Risk Management, Hydropower, Rainfall Update, Water Management, Water Quality/Water Supply | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , |

As Thurmond gate repairs end, water managers can target full summer pool

Drivers crossing the Thurmond Dam may have noticed two-way traffic resumed this week. That means workers finished the gate repairs on the dam. The one-way traffic ensured safety for workers. One-way began in February 2010, ended in the summer of … Continue reading

Posted in Flood Risk Management, Hydropower, Water Management, Water Quality/Water Supply, Water Safety | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , |

VIDEO: The “balance” of flood control

Many stakeholders have expressed an interest in why the Hartwell and Thurmond reservoirs have been out of balance over the last couple months. The answer lies in our flood control operations. Our Corporate Communications Officer Russell Wicke explains the process … Continue reading

Posted in Flood Risk Management, Videos, Water Management | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , |

December rainfall puts basin into flood storage; sets record for Thurmond

This December, the Savannah River Basin received above-average rainfall at all three Corps of Engineers reservoirs. Excess rainfall filled the reservoirs past their “summer full pool” levels and into a portion of their flood storage space. A new record was … Continue reading

Posted in Flood Risk Management, Rainfall Update, Water Management | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Why do we need a study on the winter drawdown?

We often hear people suggest the Corps should limit the amount of winter-draw down to 2 feet instead of four. They point out that when Thurmond Dam and Lake were built, a 4-foot winter drawdown was established to make room … Continue reading

Posted in Flood Risk Management, Studies, Water Management | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Corps, states, Nature Conservancy kick-off 2nd interim of Comprehensive Study

We are pleased to announce the long-awaited second portion of the Savannah River Basin Comprehensive Study has officially begun. During a bi-state water caucus meeting at Hartwell Lake Sept. 18, officials with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District, … Continue reading

Posted in Drought Response, Studies, Water Management, Water Quality/Water Supply | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

July 2013 sets new rainfall records, sees reservoirs jump

By Billy Birdwell, Public Affairs Specialist Wow! What an exciting month we just had in the Savannah River basin! Last month set the July record for rainfall at all three reservoirs. Hartwell Lake received 13.37 inches, Russell Lake received 9.97 … Continue reading

Posted in Flood Risk Management, Hydropower, Rainfall Update, Uncategorized, Water Management | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , |