Monthly Archives: June 2015

Divers continue to unveil ‘little shards of life’ from CSS Georgia

Last week marine archaeologists diving on the CSS Georgia entered their fifth and final month of the small artifact recovery phase. And though the number of artifacts they have been discovering has slowed to a trickle, the nuance each new … Continue reading

Posted in CSS Georgia, Savannah Harbor, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , |

Lakes prepare for busy summer

As the temperatures rise and summer shifts into full gear, the recreation areas along the Savannah River Basin are, too.

Posted in Recreation, Water Safety | Tagged , , , , , , , |

As archaeologists recover artifacts, more questions rise to the surface

SAVANNAH, Ga. — She has been stripped by salvage rigs, battered by dredges and had her hull shredded by teredo worms, yet the tattered remnants of the CSS Georgia that were all but forgotten until the 1960s continue to intrigue … Continue reading

Posted in CSS Georgia, Savannah Harbor, Uncategorized, Videos | Tagged , , , , , |

Rain gauges remain thirsty in May

After such a strong showing in April, where each of the sub-basins exceeded its 67-year average for that month, you had to wonder: Are these numbers sustainable? Now we know.

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