Tag Archives: update

April is the new March

I’m normally pretty humble, but it’s hard to believe I wasn’t at least partially responsible for April’s stellar rainfall numbers. Each of the sub-basins more than exceeded its average for the month, with Thurmond and Russell besting it by about … Continue reading

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July rainfall above average at Russell; below average at Hartwell and Thurmond

Observed rainfall totals for July ranked above-average at the Russell sub-basin and below average at the Hartwell and Thurmond sub-basins. The Russell sub-basin received 106 percent of normal rainfall for the month recording 4.7 inches. The average July rainfall at … Continue reading

Posted in Rainfall Update, Water Management | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

June rainfall ranks normal at Thurmond; below average at Hartwell and Russell

Although it rained almost every day of the month, June rainfall amounts ranked below average at the Hartwell and Russell sub-basins; but the Thurmond basin received normal rainfall for this time of year. Throughout June, the National Weather Service recorded … Continue reading

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May rainfall ranks normal

After receiving above-average rainfall in April, the Savannah River reservoirs recorded normal rainfall levels for the month of May. The Hartwell sub-basin received 98.6 percent of normal rainfall for the month, and Thurmond received 101.7 percent of normal. Nearly half … Continue reading

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Below-average rainfall trend continues through March; Corps monitoring basin conditions closely

For the last seven months, with the exception of December, the Savannah River reservoirs have received below-average monthly rainfall. That trend continued throughout March, with below-average rainfall recorded at the Hartwell, Russell and Thurmond sub-basins. The Thurmond sub-basin received the … Continue reading

Posted in Declaration/Projection, Fish and Wildlife, Rainfall Update | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

October Rainfall Update

October is typically the driest month of the year. This year was no exception. October marks the second month in a row we’ve experienced below-average precipitation. Hartwell received 1.6 inches for the month coming in 2.5 inches below average. Thurmond … Continue reading

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