The Shaw News is a commercial publication prepared and published by Camden Media Company, a private firm in no way connected with the U. S. Air Force or the 20th Fighter Wing. 

On base distribution of this newspaper is authorized by agreement with Camden Media Company and the 20th Fighter Wing commander. Contents of The Shaw News are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U. S. government, the Department of Defense or the Department of the Air Force. 

Airmen, government civilian employees and government contractors ARE NOT authorized to submit official information directly to Camden Media Company. Such a submission constitutes a public release, and can only be authorized by the 20th Fighter Wing Public Affairs officer. (REF: AFI 35-101) 

Official information submitted to the 20th Fighter Wing Public Affairs Office will be published on the base's official Web site,, and is made available -- in the public domain -- for publication in The Shaw News and other private and commercial publications, which may or may not be authorized to distribute on base. 

Please review the 20th Fighter Wing Public Affairs editorial policy and submission guidelines. 

For more information about this policy or to submit an item for publication on this Web site, contact the 20th Fighter Wing Public Affairs editor at (803) 895-2019 or by e-mail by clicking here