Tag Archives: rainfall update

A tale of 3 reservoirs

If August’s precipitation – the best of 2016 thus far – raised anyone’s hopes, September officially dashed them.

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Above average August rainfall keeps reservoirs steady

Rainfall in all three reservoir sub-basins exceeded normal in August. While no single event provided the basin with massive runoff, the steady and consistent small rain events kept the reservoirs at a relatively flat level. Leading the charge: Hartwell with … Continue reading

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Dry conditions begin to emerge as inflows decrease

The last three months of 2015 brought with it a surge of precipitation that exceeded normal rainfall by more than 200 percent across the upper Savannah River Basin. At Thurmond in particular December rainfall approached 300 percent of normal, soaking … Continue reading

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November rainfall continues October’s precedent

November rainfall at the projects has already exceeded the month’s averages on the heels of October’s record-setting pace. To date, Russell outpaces the others by more than doubling its average of 3.5 inches in 12 days. Russell captured 7.4 inches, … Continue reading

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Reservoirs return to their routines as summer arrives

The erratic spring cycle of high highs and low lows appears to have leveled off in June, as each of the sub-basins arrived much closer to its 67-year average for the first month of summer.

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Rain gauges remain thirsty in May

After such a strong showing in April, where each of the sub-basins exceeded its 67-year average for that month, you had to wonder: Are these numbers sustainable? Now we know.

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Wettest month on average proves a disappointment for 2015

The graphic says it all: rain deficit in March this year is significant. Hartwell received just under three inches of rain in a month where it normally gets six. And while this wasn’t the lowest amount the sub-basin has received, … Continue reading

Posted in Rainfall Update, Water Management, Water Quality/Water Supply | Tagged , , , , , , , |

Groundhog Day rains are a boon for sub-basins

Despite lackluster results for the past several months, wet weather staged a comeback for the last month of winter and proved to be enough to push the sub-basins back to par. But it didn’t come easy – each sub-basin relied … Continue reading

Posted in Declaration/Projection, Rainfall Update, Water Management, Water Quality/Water Supply | Tagged , , , , , , , , |

January rainfall below average, reservoirs on the rise

January brought less than average rainfall at all three upper basin reservoirs with the largest rain deficit recorded at Hartwell sub-basin. Hartwell fell short of its January average by 1.8 inches, and Thurmond and Russell each missed their January averages … Continue reading

Posted in Rainfall Update, Water Management | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , |

2014 rainfall just shy of average, December ranks above average

Observed rainfall in the upper basin recorded deficits in 2014 for all three sub-basins with Hartwell’s deficit being most pronounced. However, for most of the year lake levels remained at or above average, making for a near-optimal year in water-related … Continue reading

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