Archive for April, 2013

“Rake the Lake” Spring Clean Up May 4 at Sutton Lake

Friday, April 12th, 2013

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will hold its Third Annual “Rake the Lake” Spring Clean-up at Sutton Lake on Saturday, May 4, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.

Volunteers are encouraged to bring their boats and head to their favorite cove, or drive or hike into more remote areas. Bags, gloves, grabbers and other supplies will be provided.

During the previous “Rake the Lake: efforts, volunteers have removed over eight tons of trash from Sutton Lake, and their efforts are clearly seen in several areas, including Wolf Creek and the Tunnel Road area below Bakers Run Campground.

Many large items have been removed thru this effort, including over 400 tires, several mattresses, refrigerators, and other cast-off appliances.

The event is hosted by the Corps of Engineers at Sutton Lake, the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, Sutton Lake Marina and the Braxton Citizen’s News.

At the conclusion of the day, numerous local businesses sponsor a cook-out at Sutton Lake Marina to thank those who participate. The first 200 registered participants also receive a T-Shirt.

“Rake the Lake” is open to everyone. If you’d like to volunteer, call the Sutton Lake Project Office at 304-765-2816 or e-mail to register. If you don’t have a favorite place you want to work, we will suggest an area in particular need of attention.

To find out more about the Huntington District’s activities, please follow us on Facebook at: .

Access on Bluestone Lake Restricted Due to Lilly Bridge Replacement Project

Friday, April 5th, 2013

The Lilly Bridge located on WV State Route 20 that crosses the Bluestone Lake is being replaced, and the work will mean some changes for boaters in that area of the lake.

The WV Department of Transportation Division of Highways has awarded a contract to Brayman Construction Company from Saxonburg, Pa., for the bridge replacement. Work on the bridge has started and it is anticipated that the construction period will last approximately three years.

The work involved includes building a new bridge adjacent to and upstream from the existing bridge and the removal of approximately 250,000 cubic yards of material on the north approach to the bridge.

During the construction there will be some restrictions to the visitors of Bluestone Lake. The water area directly underneath the existing bridge will be closed to boat traffic on Bluestone Lake. The land area directly underneath the existing bridge will also be closed to vehicle and foot traffic. These restrictions are necessary for visitor safety as part of the construction work limits.

To serve the boaters of Bluestone Lake, the WV Department of Natural Resources Division of Fisheries has built a new boat ramp at the Bluestone Lake boat launching area known as “Pits Road.” This new boat ramp is open to the public and was funded through mitigation funding by the WV Division of Highways.

Boaters may still access the Bluestone River section of Bluestone Lake down to the Lilly Bridge area, but access will be via the Bluestone State Park boat ramp located below the Bluestone State Park Office.

During the construction, both the Bluestone Marina and Bluestone boat launching area “Pits Road” will remain open to the public. Boaters may experience some congestion and minor delays during the construction.

Due to the construction activity it is necessary to have these restricted areas on Bluestone Lake for the safety of boaters and visitors.

The replacement of the Lilly Bridge will be welcome news for travelers on WV State Route 20 and the visitors to Bluestone Lake. Over the years the Lilly Bridge has continued to deteriorate and this bridge replacement project will greatly improve the safety along this section of WV State Route 20.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bluestone State Park, WV Department of Natural Resources, and WV Division of Highways appreciate your understanding and patience during this construction period.

For more information, contact Public Affairs at 304-399-5353.

Looking for Volunteers for Cleanup at East Lynn Lake

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is looking for volunteers to help with the annual cleanup at East Lynn Lake on Sunday, April 21, 2013.

Volunteers are invited to assist Corps employees in beautification efforts at the lake. Activities include trash pickup on the lake shore and in other public use areas.

Anyone wishing to assist with the event should be at the East Lynn Lakeside Marina Area Boat Ramp April 21 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Volunteers should bring work shoes or boots and work gloves. Volunteers will be given directions to work sites for trash pickup. Garbage bags will be provided.

Persons who wish to use their personal boat may deposit collected trash at any boat ramp at East Lynn Lake. All volunteers are asked to sign in at the Lakeside Marina Area Boat Ramp before beginning trash pickup. The success of this event depends on public response.

For more information, write to Dale Smith, Resource Manager, East Lynn Lake, 683 Overlook Trail Road, East Lynn, WV 25512, call 304-849-2355, or stop by the Lake office located at the dam.