Archive for February, 2015

Veterans Memorial Part of Columbus Floodwall

Monday, February 9th, 2015

The Columbus Dispatch carried a story recently about work that may affect the city’s floodwall – here’s an excerpt:

It’s going to take months longer than officials first said and more than double the expected cost to demolish Franklin County Veterans Memorial.

The county commissioners learned that the building’s foundation is supporting part of a miles-long floodwall that protects the neighborhood west of there from potential Scioto River floods.

The commissioners were asked to extend contracts with two companies hired to oversee post-demolition site work before the property is turned over to the Columbus Downtown Development Corp., which will build the Ohio Veterans Memorial and Museum in Vets’ place.

The commissioners are expected to approve those contracts next week at a cost of about $500,000. The unexpected additional underground work is estimated to cost $2.8 million and take several more months to complete. That would bring the total cost for the county to clear the land to about $4.8 million.

You can read the full story here: