Archive for May, 2011

Corps urges safety on the water

Friday, May 27th, 2011

   Memorial Day marks the beginning of the 101 days of summer and traditionally serves as the official kick-off for the summer recreation season.   As the nation’s largest federal provider of water-based outdoor recreation, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers provides its visitors a wide range of diverse and dynamic recreational opportunities, and the safety of these visitors is the Corps’ highest priority.

   Huntington District Commander Col. Robert Peterson takes water safety very seriously.  “The Corps of Engineers welcomes visitors to enjoy our beautiful lakes and recreation areas,” Peterson said.  “Our rangers spend a great deal of time talking to the public about the risks and offering advice on how to stay safe around water.”

   Each year about 6,000 drowning-related deaths occur in the U.S.  In fact, drowning is a leading cause of accidental death for children and the second leading cause of accidental deaths for persons 15-44 years of age. Drowning can also occur because people under-estimate the power of the water and over-estimate their swimming ability. Yet, it is possible — just by wearing a life jacket or taking other precautions — to prevent these deaths.

   To promote the importance of wearing life jackets, a number of Huntington District lakes have established life jacket loaner boards.   Visitors can borrow a life jacket while participating in water activities and then simply return the life jacket to the loaner station when finished.   

   Here are some safety tips from the Corps of Engineers to keep our visitors safe at our recreation areas over the Memorial Day holiday weekend and throughout the summer months.

     Watch your children – Research shows it only takes a child an average of 20 seconds to drown.  Don’t let children wander very far from adults and never let them go into the water.

     Alcohol and water activities don’t mix–Approximately one-third of all boating accidents and fatalities involve alcohol.  Drinking just one beer could impair balance, vision, judgment and reaction time. Combine alcohol consumption with boating fatigue – exposure to noise, vibration, sun, glare and wind – and the risk for boating accidents is significantly intensified.  

     Boaters should know the rules–Take appropriate safety classes, be familiar with governing state laws and have proper safety equipment onboard.  Wear a life jacket, don’t just carry one on board.  Don’t overload the boat.  File a float plan with a friend. 

     Respect the power of water–Surprisingly, two-thirds of drowning victims never intended to be in the water.  This is especially true in cases of people accidentally falling out of their boats while fishing.   If someone is in trouble, reach or throw a floatation device – don’t go in the water.  Don’t over-estimate your swimming skills.  Swim only in designated swimming areas.   Half of all drowning victims are alone when they drown so use the buddy system.  Take swimming lessons and learn to swim!

    An estimated 360 million people visit U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recreation areas nationwide annually, and our District hosts more than 31 million visitors at our recreation areas.  We urge you to make water safety your top priority when using the nation’s waterways and lakes.   

    For more safety tips and interactive games, visit our water safety website at or contact the Public Affairs Office at 304-399-5353.

Praise for New Riverfront Park Plan in Huntington, WV

Friday, May 27th, 2011

    The Herald-Dispatch ran a recent editorial praising the new plan for Huntington’s Riverfront Park.

   Here’s an excerpt: 

It was time to take a fresh look at how the space could be used. That was not a simple matter, because there are several players involved in the park. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers owns the land, the City of Huntington has a lifetime lease on the park and the Greater Huntington Park and Recreation District operates and maintains it.

Those stakeholders put their ideas together and also asked the public for its thoughts on improving the park.

The result is a master plan released last week that provides an exciting new look at what Huntington’s riverfront could become. At this point, there is no funding plan or even a real price tag, but the vision is impressive.

The plan would add several new features — a skate park, a sprayground, wider entrances, a new permanent performance stage and a pedestrian bridge from Pullman Square over Veterans Memorial Boulevard. But it also retools the layout to improve access and the flow of people through the park.

You can read the entire commentary at this link.

Restricted Area Warnings on the Rivers Near Locks and Dams

Monday, May 23rd, 2011

    The summer season means more boaters out enjoying recreation on the rivers, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District, is reminding those boaters to use caution when they’re near one of the locks and dams on the Ohio and Kanawha Rivers.

     The areas immediately upstream and downstream of navigation dams have been designated “Restricted Areas.” Accidents have occurred in the past when vessels violated existing regulations and entered those areas. 

     Boaters who enter these areas risk their lives and property and can affect necessary gate operations on the locks and dams.

     When navigating the waterways of the rivers, boaters should be aware of the dangers near the locks and dams. The restricted areas have signs posted that show where potential dangers are located. 

     Near the dams, strong reverse currents are present at the spillways, and whirlpools can also occur. These strong and unpredictable currents on both sides of the dams can cause immediate danger if approached too closely. Currents can rapidly carry a boat over the edge of the dam. Restricted area buoys are located at a safe distance from the area to keep boaters away from danger. 

     Some dams have hydroelectric power plants, and the turbines in the plant increase speed when more electricity is needed. During this time, the current and turbulence become more powerful and can increase the danger around the area.

     Boating near a spillway of a dam is dangerous because if large debris washes over the dam it could suddenly crash into your watercraft. Never anchor near the spillway of a dam because the strong, unpredictable water levels could pull your boat under.

     Even in the summer months, the cold water released during the locking process could send swimmers into shock. Areas and banks near the waterway may be slippery. If you fall into the water near the dam, you may be carried over the dam. The current near the top of the dam is very strong and even the best swimmers may not have the strength to get back to the edge of the water.

      When you navigate the rivers, pay close attention to the warning signs around the lock and dams. Neglecting to do so could result in injury, personal loss of watercraft and even death. Following the signs will keep you out of harm’s way.

      For more information, please contact the Public Affairs Office at 304-399-5353.

Senecaville Road near Senecaville Dam in Ohio temporarily closed

Tuesday, May 17th, 2011

   The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will temporarily close a portion of Senecaville Road (State Route 574) near Senecaville Dam on Wednesday, May 18, from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.  This will allow the Corps to perform work on the dam’s intake structure.  The road will reopen the same day after 4:00 p.m.

    For more information on this closure or the work being done at Senecaville Dam, please contact the project office at 740-685-5585 or the Public Affairs Office at 304-399-5353.