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This article may help clarify some of the tricks social media scammers try to use to take advantage of people:

•Soldiers and their loved ones are not charged money so that the Soldier can go on leave.
•Soldiers are not charged money for secure communications or leave.
•Soldiers do not need permission to get married.
•Soldiers do not have to pay for early retirement.
•Soldiers have medical insurance, which pays for their medical costs when treated at civilian health care facilities worldwide – family and friends do not need to pay their medical expenses.
•Military aircraft are not used to transport Privately Owned Vehicles.
•Army financial offices are not used to help Soldiers buy or sell items of any kind.
•Soldiers deployed to Combat Zones do not need to solicit money from the public to feed or house their troops.
•Deployed Soldiers do not find large unclaimed sums of money and need your help to get that money out of the country.
Anyone who tells you one of the above-listed conditions/circumstances is true is likely posing as a Soldier and trying to steal money from you.

We would urge you to immediately cease all contact with this individual.

For more information on avoiding online scams and to report this crime, please see the following sites:
