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Tuesday, October 25, 2016
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Counter IED

  1. Counter-IED Lane - Range 61

    Counter-IED Lane - Range 61


     Courses of Fire:

    • Blank only 
    • Defeat device
    • Attack network
    • Counter IED individual &
      collective tasks



       Key Features:
      • Overpass
      • Manhole
      • Multiple culverts
      • Water pump station
      • Gas station/repari shop
      • Bomb making site
      • 3.6 KM length & 900m of divided highway
      • Village
      • Power Station
      • Marketplace
      • Ramp for VBIED event
      • AAR playback capability
      • Instrumentation capability
      • Exportable capabilities
      • Able to integrate into LFS




    • Counter-IED Lanes - Range 62

      Counter-IED Lanes - Range 62


      Courses of Fire:

      • Blank only
      • Site sensitive exploitation
      • Building search techniques
      • Building clearing ops
      • MOUT Training
      • Inner Cordon and Search
      • Defeat the Network


      Key Features:

      • Traiing Aids to support more than one location
      • Expanding CIED capabilities at two sites
      • Dismounted lane capability
      • Ties into Search House
      • Low Water crossings
      • Scalable to 5km of village and rural road network
    • Third World Village

      Third World Village

      Courses of Fire:

      •  Blank only
      • Practice building search and  clearance drills on realistic facilities
      • Units to practice kinetic operations in a realistic environment through use of breachable entries, walls and windows
      • Kinetic operations such as urban breaching, building clearance drills and CIED training
      • Cultural engagements with locals

      Key Features:

      • More realistic mounted and dismounted maneuver
      • Contains infrastructure and people common to a mono strata village of 1500-2000 persons
        - Agricultural features
        - Gas Station
        - Market Place buildings
        - Government Center and Police Compound
        - Known minefields, CBU strike sites, UXO areas
         - Shanty town and/or displaced persons area
      • Accurately replicates sights, smells sounds, feel of village in underdeveloped world


    • Search House

      Search House


      Courses of Fire:

      • Blank only
      • Site sensitive exploitation
      • Building search techniques
      • Building clearing ops
      • MOUT Training
      • Inner Cordon and Search
      • Defeat the Network

      Key Features:

      • 2-story with roof access
      • Crawlspace
      • Adaptable to theater-specific training requirements
      • Interior and exterior stairs
      • Multiple rooms per floor
    • Dismounted Counter-IED Lane

      Dismounted Counter-IED Lane


      • Blank Fire only
      • Biometrics/Robotics/CREW

      Courses of Fire:

      • Train on dismounted / mounted IED indicators, C-IED Battle Drill & Systems
      • Incorporate TLPs / MDMP

      Key Features:

      • Two 250-pax classrooms able to support continuous AARs
      • Culverts
      • Farm plots
      • Drainage ditches
      • Wualit walls
      • Compounds
    • Entry Control Points

      Entry Control Points


      Courses of Fire:

      • React to VBIED
      • React to PBIED
      • Conduct inspection of equipment and personnel
      • Conduct ECP operations

      More Key Features:

      • Full-height turnstile
      • Full-height turnstile SDI Box
      • Walk Through Metal Detector (WTMD)
      • Phraselator
      • Two locations: Schoolhouse Rd and & FOB Nighthawk

      Key Features:

      • Magnum Spike Strip
      • Day/night camera - Long Range Thermal Imager (LRTI)
      • Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTXZ) Camera
      • Closed Circuit TV (CCTV)
      • InfraRed (IR) Illuminator
      • Command Control (C2) Station
      • Environmentally Proctected Work Station (EPWS)
      • Hardened guard shack
      • Mobile pop-up barrier
      • Mobile pop-up barrier Security Device Interface (SDI) Box
      • Drop-arm barrier Security Device Interface (SDI) Box
      • Blast & armor-piercing resistant guardhouse


    Page last modified / updated: Monday, October 24, 2016 at 3:49 PM EST