Lighting Research Center Lighting Research Center

The Lighting Research Center is the world's leading university-based research and education organization devoted to lighting - from technologies to applications and energy use, from design to health and vision.

Learn more
 Application & Design
 Automotive & Street Lighting
 Aviation Lighting
 Energy & Environment
 Health & Vision
 Outdoor Lighting
 Product Testing
 Residential Lighting
 Security Lighting
 Technology Transfer

Special Notices

LRC Hosts Photometry Institute Seminar, October 24-25, 2012

In this two-day, interactive course, participants will come away with the knowledge and skills needed to establish and conduct photometric testing and evaluation of a wide range of lighting products and systems.

Programs                              View entire list

Capturing the Daylight Dividend - Using daylighting

DELTA - Energy efficiency case studies

DesignWorks - Lighting design services

Energy Efficiency - Efficient products and practices

Light & Health - Visual, circadian systems

Lighting Technology Greenhouse - Business resources

NLPIP - Product testing

Solid-State Lighting - Improving, using LEDs

Transportation Lighting - Vehicle, roadway, signal

View all programs

Education Programs

Graduate Education

One-year and two-year master's programs and Ph.D. program

Photometry Institute  NEW!

Two-day seminars about the latest developments in photometric testing and evaluation.

Capturing the Lighting Edge   NEW!

Seminar series for manufacturers and entrepreneurs.

Outdoor Lighting Institute  

Two-day seminars on outdoor lighting design to reduce energy use and light pollution while improving safety and security.

Daylight Institute

Two-day seminars on daylighting design and daylighting control specification.

LED Lighting Institute

Hands-on workshop on LED lighting components, systems, and design.

Life Sciences in Lighting

Study the biological, physiological, and psychological aspects of light in this degree program.

Lighting Education Online

For building, design, and facility management professionals who want to learn more about light and lighting.

Outreach Education

Courses, seminars, workshops, and online programs for practicing professionals and others interested in lighting.


LRC Researchers Propose New Metric to Help Architects and Green Builders Take Advantage of Daylighting

LRC Researchers Propose New Metric to Help Architects and Green Builders Take Advantage of DaylightingResearchers at the Lighting Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have proposed a new metric to help architects and builders more easily take advantage of the benefits of daylighting, from significant energy savings to the positive impact of light on health, when designing the built environment. Full story...

All News Releases

Working with the LRC

 Alliance for Solid-State Illumination Systems and Technologies - Industry, academia, and government working together to advance LED lighting.
 Daysimeter User Group - (Members only. Requires log in). Collaborative group of researchers collecting data using the Daysimeter.
The LRC's new Lighting Technology Greenhouse (LTG) provides a variety of services for lighting-related businesses and assistance with new lighting ideas.
Partners Program - Collaboration of academia, industry, utilities, public benefit agencies, public advocacy groups, and government to advance the effective use of light.
Project Sponsorship - Sponsor a research project.

Regional Centre for Lighting - Advancing sustainable lighting and making it affordable in South Asia to improve the well-being of citizens and the countries within the region

Transportation Lighting Alliance - Cooperative research into lighting for vehicles, roadways, and signage.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
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