Army Energy and Water Management Program Scan the QR Code to visit the website

Water Efficiency

In 2007, ACSIM issued the Army Energy and Water Campaign Plan as a roadmap toward complying with the provisions and mandates of water conservation and water management in EPAct2005, EISA 2007, and EO 13423. During FY 2010, the Army Energy Security Implementation Strategy (AESIS) Plan, which incorporated the new EO 13514, evolved as the guiding foundation for the Army's water conservation and management program for the next five to ten years.

Executive Order 13514. EO 13514 doesn't supersede either EISA 2007 or EO 13423, but does require the following to be reduced, relative to an FY 2007 baseline:

  • Potable water consumption intensity: 2% annually through FY 2020, or 26% by the end of FY 2020
  • Agency industrial, landscaping, and agricultural volumetric water consumption 2% annually, or 20% by the end of FY 2020.

In addition, water reuse strategies consistent with state law that reduce potable water consumption must be identified, promoted, and implemented.

EISA 2007. Section 432 of EISA establishes a framework for facility project management and benchmarking. Under this new requirement, federal agencies must identify all "covered facilities" that constitute at least 75 percent of the agency's facility energy/water use. Covered facility may be a group of facilities at a single location or multiple locations managed as an integrated operation. An energy manager must be designated for each of these covered facilities. Each facility energy manager will be responsible for: (1) Completing comprehensive energy and water evaluations (including re-/retrocommissioning) of 25 percent of covered facilities each year, (2) Implementing of identified energy and water efficiency measures; bundling of individual measures of varying paybacks into combined projects is permitted; and (3) Following up on implemented measures, including fully commissioning equipment, putting in place O&M plans, and measuring and verifying energy and water savings.

Executive Order 13423. Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy and Transportation Management (Jan 29, 2007) directs each agency beginning in FY 2008 to reduce water consumption intensity, relative to the baseline of the agency's water consumption in FY 2007, through life-cycle cost effective measures by 2 percent annually through the end of the fiscal year 2015 or 16 percent by the end of FY 2015.

DOE Supplemental Guidance. To help achieve the water goals and reporting requirements of E.O. 13423 and the Instructions for Implementing Executive Order 13423 (dated Mar 29, 2007) FEMP has developed supplemental guidance, Establishing Baseline and Meeting Water Conservation Goals of Executive Order 13423. This guidance was developed to assist in the interpretation of, and ultimate compliance with, E.O. 13423. Specifically, three key elements of compliance were identified and presented: baseline development, efficiency opportunity identification/ implementation, and necessary reporting. For each key area, this document provides E.O. 13423 interpretation, suggests a path forward, and provides resources for additional information.

Additionally, Best Management Practices (BMPs) were originally developed by the Department of Energy Federal Energy Management (FEMP) Program in response to the requirements set forth in previous E.O. 13123, which required Federal agencies to reduce water use through cost-effective water efficiency improvements. In response to E.O. 13423 and to account for recent changes in technology in water use patterns the Environmental Protection Agency's Water Sense Office has updated the original BMPs. The updated BMPs were developed to help agency personnel achieve water conservation goals of E.O. 13423. These updated BMPs continue to help Federal agencies achieve the water efficiency goals of E.O. 13514.


The requirements in Memorandum DAIM-ZA, 18 Mar 2003, and Memorandum HQ IMCOM SFIM-OP-P, 21 Apr 2004 "Army Water Conservation Policy" to develop installation water management plans, formerly per EO 13123 continue in force per EO 13423. While all Army installations reportedly have water management plans. They must be reviewed and updated periodically. For help with developing or revising a water management plan view the template. The goal, as stated in Memorandum HQ IMCOM SFIM-OP, 29 Aug 2003 is no longer for installations to develop and submit four of the ten best management practices (BMPs) but to utilize as many BMPs required to achieve the mandatory water conservation intensity (efficiency) goal of 2% annually, beginning in FY08 through FY15. For information on water resource management and conservation tips and ideas, see Water Conserve and the California Urban Water Conservation Council .

Additional Resources

PNNL completed a report for FEMP that assesses the water conservation potential in the federal sector. The analysis looks at savings potential across the federal sector based on a life cycle cost analysis of basic domestic fixtures.



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