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Tuesday, October 25, 2016
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We Support Our Troops

Thousands of Americans are asking what they can do to show their support for service members, especially those serving overseas in this time of war.  While it would be inappropriate for the Department to endorse any specifically, service members do value and appreciate such expressions of support.

The support and generosity of the American people has touched the lives of many service members, over 300,000 of whom are deployed overseas.

Visit the links to programs that offer aid to our military -- everything from care packages to emergency services to military family support.

Show your pride in our armed forces today, either by purchasing a gift or card for a servicemember, or donating to programs that support our military. 

Military Support Links

Below are Web sites for several organizations that are sponsoring programs for members of the Armed Forces overseas.

Official Government and Military Support Websites:

Army Emergency Relief Fund - The U.S. Army's emergency financial assistance organization and is dedicated to "Helping the Army Take Care of Its Own".

Fisher House Foundation - These homes enable family members to be close to a loved one at the most stressful times - during the hospitalization for an unexpected illness, disease, or injury.

External Support Websites:

Support Our Troops - A website to connect, support, and donate.

USO - Learn more about the USO and how to help support the troops and your local USO.

Page last modified / updated: Monday, October 24, 2016 at 3:49 PM EST