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Tuesday, October 25, 2016
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Soldiers' MEB Counsel

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Office of Soldiers’ Counsel, Medical Evaluation Board Lawyers

Soldiers being Medically Boarded, or referred to a Medical Evaluation Board (MEB), have the right to elect for an Army lawyer, known as a Soldiers’ Medical Evaluation Board Counsel (SMEBC), to advise and represent them during the process.  Army National Guard and Reserve Soldiers going through the MEB process at the Camp Atterbury Medical Evaluation Board Remote Operating Center (CAIN-MEBROC) are served by the Camp Atterbury Soldiers’ MEB Counsel Office.  Soldiers’ MEB Counsel only represents Soldiers in the Disability Evaluation System (DES) and does not represent Commanders, the MEB, or Physical Evaluation Board (PEB).  The Camp Atterbury Soldiers MEB Counsel Office is organized under U.S. Army Medical Command, Office of Soldiers’ Counsel, National Capital Region.


When Soldiers are referred to a MEB, a Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer (PEBLO) will advise them of their right to counsel.  Soldiers electing representation by a SMEBC lawyer will be required by their PEBLO to participate in one of the following mandatory legal briefings held on every:

  • Tuesday at 0900 ET by calling (210) 249-4234 Access Code 26089#;

  • Wednesday at 2100 ET by calling (210) 249-4234 Access Code 29370#; and

  • Thursday at 1500 ET (210) 249-4234, Access Code 15176#.


These legal briefings last about 60 minutes and provide an overview of the Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) process with an emphasis on the Medical Evaluation Board process and issues that may affect Soldiers goals and benefits.  The text used for this legal briefing is provided on this web page.  Disability Evaluation System Legal Briefing (click here to open document)


Soldiers are invited to schedule an appointment to speak with a SMEBC lawyer immediately after receiving their DA 3947 MEB Proceedings and after receiving their DA 199 IPEB Proceedings.  Soldiers’ MEB Counsel advises and represents Soldiers going through the MEB and Informal Physical Evaluation Board (IPEB) process in pursuing their goals including, if necessary, preparing appeal documents such as Impartial Medical Reviews, MEB Rebuttals, IPEB Reconsiderations, and VA Rating Reconsiderations.


The Camp Atterbury Office of Soldiers’ Counsel, Soldiers’ Medical Evaluation Board Office is located at 1013 Eggleston Street, Edinburgh, IN  46124-5000 with office hours from 0800-1600 each working day.


To schedule an appointment to talk with a SMEBC lawyer, please phone Client Appointments anytime 24/7 at (317) 771-4748.


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Page last modified / updated: Monday, October 24, 2016 at 3:49 PM EST