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Other Ranges and Courses

  1. Range 36 Air-to-Ground Gunnery

    Range 36 Air-to-Ground Gunnery

    • Associated special use airspace is R-3401, covering 103 square miles.
    • Several low altitude routes are available.
    • Terrain is hilly and wooded, permitting a good mix of highly visible and terrain-integrated targets.

    • 30 Scored Targets Day or Night using the Weapons Impact Scoring System (WISS)
    • Improved Remote Strafe Scoring System (IRSSS)
    • Certified Laser Range
    • 4 Smokey Sam Launchers
    • 4 Electronic Threat Emitters
    • NVG operations

    To see more details on Range 36,

    To see other Air Range Complex details click here



  2. Himsel Airfield

    Himsel Airfield

    Himsel Army Airfield (11II)
    Camp Atterbury, Indiana

    DoD (Department of Defense):VFR (Visual Flight Rules) supplement as “HIMSEL AAF”

    PPR (Prior Permission Request) Required For Arrivals

    Contact Himsel Tower or Range Control on 126.2

    Runway's 36/18 4220’ x 72’, Field Elevation 709’ Mean Sea Level

    May require approach over impact area. (ranges must be in checkfire)

    Camp Atterbury provides the opportunity for aviation units to schedule aviation assets for forward area operations.

    See more information under "Ranges - Air Operations"

  3. Virtual Battle Space 2 (VBS2)

    Virtual Battle Space 2

    • Realistic battlefield simulators for land, sea, and air
    • Customize scenarios to meet training objectives to teach doctrine, tactics, techniques, and procedures for squad and platoon full-spectrum operations
    • Tailored to meet training objectives for law enforcement, homeland defense, and first responders
    • Realistically simulates friendly forces, opposing forces, and non-combatants
    • Incorporates real-time simulation of wind, rain, fog, clouds, time-of-day, sunrise/sunset, and tides
    • Multiple terrain databases and predefined scenarios available
    • After Action Review module assists in assessing team's performance

    More on VBS2 in "Ranges-Simulations"

    • Indirect Live Fire Exercise

      Indirect Live Fire Exercise

      • Able to support up to 155mm
         - Artillery Firing Points
         - Mortar Firing Points
      • Direct Lay - Range 22
         - Observation Points
      • Call For Fire Trainer:  12 stations
    • Obstacle Courses

      Obstacle Courses


      Confidence Course:

       - Tough One

       - Weaver

       - High Step Over

       - Swing, Stop, Jump

       - Six Vaults

       - Belly Over

       - Belly Crawl

       - Inclining Wall

       - Confidence Climb


      Conditioning Course:

       - Facility has 16 events for physical conditioning


      Leadership Reaction Course

    • Land Navigation

      Land Navigation

      Three Beginner Level Courses:

      • Each with 30 points
      • 1A Land Navigation Course
      • 2B Land Navigation Course
      • Area 15 Land Navigation Course
      • Field Artillery fire in AFP 241-243 impacts
        2B Land Navigation
      • Area 15 has dismounted traffic only



      Two Intermediate Level Courses:

      • 7B Land Navigation Course
      • 4A Land Navigation Course
      • Both are heavily wooded and feature wide variations in elevation



    Page last modified / updated: Monday, October 24, 2016 at 3:49 PM EST